
About ruowenhuang

Ruowen Huang is an established author who has published over twenty books in Taiwan. She works as a Graphic Designer, an intuitive spiritual coach and a motivational speaker. When she has free time, she uses her creative energy in blogging or painting. She currently lives in Vancouver with her very understanding husband and two children, who have had to share her time over the last few years as she spent numerous hours bringing this book to fruition, creating arts and exploring spiritualities.


By |2017-01-19T05:57:21-08:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: 【被遺忘的埃及二﹣那法媞媞】, 線上閱讀, 被遺忘的埃及|

Chapter 2 阿門厚德很確定自己一點也不喜歡在這間昏暗的密室裡找到她,特別是當他將一整個寢宮全都讓給了她之後,他更是不期望她竟然還是選擇待在這個連陽光都照不進來的密室。 阿門厚德稍早回到神殿裡的寢宮時,他注意到置放在走廊上的食物幾乎一動也沒動過,而寢宮裡更是完全看不到那法媞媞的身影。有一剎那的時間,他的心頭很快地浮上一抹強烈的失落感,但那樣的感覺在他從密室裡找到她之後也很快地消逝。 只不過他一點也不喜歡自己的眼睛所看到的。因為她不只比上一次他看到她的時候還要來得消瘦了許多,就連體力都明顯地感覺大不如從前。他看見她以臂彎環繞著雙膝蜷伏在牆角,視線卻一直鎖在那不算大的窗口上。他從她的身上感受不到任何的情緒,更從她的臉上看不見任何的表情,彷彿就好像一個失去靈魂的空殼一般,大概用『活屍』兩字來形容是最恰當不過的了。 […]

[Forgotten Egypt II] Nefertiti – Chapter 2

By |2016-05-13T11:00:00-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: Forgotten Egypt Saga, Nefertiti|

  Chapter 2 Amenhotep was certain that he didn’t like to find her in the secret chamber, especially when the entire greater chamber was made accessible to her. He didn’t think she would be comfortable [...]


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