Soul . Body . Mind
Ep. 164. Coffee break – about American Presidential Election
#thesimilarityofthepresidentialelection #thechange #theinfluenceislessthanyouthink #democraticprocess #whatwouldisaytomychild
Ep. 159. My psychic journey – listen with your heart
#ifyouwanttoconnecdtwiththeuniverse #thisisanimportantlesson #synchronizedwithothers
Ep. 158. Coffee break – courage to live in overseas
#courageistrainablemuscle #knowingwhoyouareandsetacleargoalisthelongtermsolution
Ep. 157. Coffee break – embrace your accent.
#feelingembarrassed #heavyaccent #2languages #openmindedheart
Ep. 156. Do you have faith?
#faithvsbelief #connectionbetweenheartandsoul #startwithasimplestatement #havingfaithinyourself
Ep. 155. Coffee break – Marry him or not?
#youshouldknowbetterthanapsychic #itssurvivalskill #communicationisthekey #happilyeverafter #allmarriageneedworks
Ep. 154. My psychic journey – the beginning of my psychic journey
#whymypsychicpowerrequirenotools #allthatunexplainablethings #senseofknowing #magicalherb
Ep. 153. How to pursuit spiritual journey
#vegetarian #meditation #chanting #monkandnun #selfawareness #selfreflection #selfevolution