Soul . Body . Mind
If you understand how important for soul, body and mind to work with one another, you will take very good care of them in order to manifest the reality that you've always wanted.
Ep. 140. The difference between cherishing and the fear of deprivation
#accumilationisthesignofdeprivation #awarenesswithinyourself #whatareadoyoufeeldeprived #hoarding
Ep. 139. Why are we so powerless?
#youchooseyourparents #lifeisfullofchoices #youdecidehowyourfutureisgoingtobelike #stopfeelingpowerless #takebackyourpowerinlife #stopmakingpeopleaccountableforyourhappiness
Special Episode – How it’s like to love yourself.
I was lucky enough to convince my friend to share her personal experiences with you all. She has gone through a lot in the past [...]
Ep. 138. You only have one body to live this life.
#YOLO #ittakesyoutotakecareofyourself #howmanylifedoyouhave #loveyourself #stoptreatingyourbodylikeshit
Ep. 137. Q&A – about vibration
#codependencyandhighlysensitive #vibrationinfluence #corevaluesearching #whoami #karma #lawofattraction #chakraandcorevalue #vibrationandphysicaldiscomfort