Before your consultation
- Have you search your question within the site yet?
- Have you read a little of me?
- Do you know my fee?
- Do you know where I locate?
- Do you really know what your questions are?
- Can your question wait? Or do you have to know right at this moment?
Before you decide to throw me a “quick question”, whether it’s through website, youtube or my facebook page, ask those questions before you begin to avoid negative feeling that you may ‘think’ that I am ignoring you (you know… the situation that you can tell I read your message, but I simply do not reply at all or even possibly delete your message ^^|||)
I am more than happy to answer all general questions, the cache is that you will have to wait till whenever I have time (or remember) to do the broadcast or even write a post to answer your questions. (And I am not kidding, some people waited years to hear the answer. XD) As hospitable as I may seems on all the topics that I share, I DO NOT ANSWER PERSONAL QUESTIONS! As clear as I thought this statement look, it’s funny how I continuously spending time explaining what is ‘personal questions’.
Well, personal questions for me means that your question contain I, he, she, we, they, my, his, her, our, their, dad, mom, brother, sister, in-laws, or someone’s name… I am sure you must have the idea by now. So to make it clear, all personal questions require an appointment for consultation if you want to hear the answer from me. Of course, you can always keep it to yourself as well. I seriously believe that if you keep asking yourself, the answer may just come to you! (and I am not even joking~)
The quickest way to do this is to write down your question and then remove all the subjects. While reviewing the question, asking yourself, “can this question wait?” If so, then you can post that question without subject in the website or facebook, I will answer it whenever I have time or however I can. If not, it is then you shall consider booking an consultation.
I know, I know… I am such a snob, and there’s a lot of rules around me. But it’s really for your own benefit. A psychic can channel the most and best when both parties have the same understandings. 🙂
My Service
Here are some common questions regarding to my consultation:
My basic rate for consultation is $300CAD per 30 minutes.
After the initial 30 minutes, I will charge $150 per 15 minutes and so on. (The max consultation period is 1.5 hours per person)
This fee will cover all clients with phone, SKYPE, LINE or WeChat, Zoom, WeChat, Facebook, FaceTime users.
I also provide Email consultation, which is $450CAD for 3 questions no matter how big or small your question is. 3 Questions! Not 3 big questions with attached several questions. To make it clear, I will answer the first 3 question marks if you happen to send me a bunch. Then again, unless you do not mind my half broken English grammar, otherwise, I will recommend you to talk to me instead of emailing me. :p
All consultation require payment and booking in advance! Refund could only be made 2 days before the consultation. $20 CAD Cancellation fee would be charged.
I no longer take on any one on one clients start from 2022
- In person
- Phone
- SKYPE / LINE / FaceBook Messenger / WeChat/ Zoom / FaceTime… whatever you can think of
You can be anywhere in the world!!! As long as I can find a way to connect with you, I can and will consult you.
I do not use any tool for my reading. I have me, and me only! I do not have crystal ball, tarot card or any tool to help me see through you. I have you! and all the information you want to know is in you! I just need to dig through it (depend on how deep you bury yourself).
So, what question can you ask me?
Anything! If I have the answer, I will give it to you. So please do come prepare with lots of questions that will worth your time (and mine). Though I do have many channels allowing me to explore a lot of area, I do not like them open because it can really drive someone crazy. So be specific with your questions in order to get a more specific answer. When encounter a question I do not know the answer of, I will tell you. I have no need or desire to pretend knowing something I don’t.