Ruowen Huang is an established author who has published over twenty books in Taiwan. She works as a Graphic Designer, an intuitive spiritual coach and a motivational speaker. When she has free time, she uses her creative energy in blogging or painting. She currently lives in Vancouver with her very understanding husband and two children, who have had to share her time over the last few years as she spent numerous hours bringing this book to fruition, creating arts and exploring spiritualities.
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This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.
等到我家後院的儲藏小屋換新的,再請大師來畫一下, 明年夏天如何!先預約!
版主回覆:(03/15/2011 07:59:35 AM)
關於你家後面的儲藏小屋, 你己經講了一年多了. 等蓋好再來預約都還不遲吧. ^_^
哇,我也覺得很好看耶,是有用什麼打底稿嗎? 我最近也想再漆一面牆,但又有點懶,想用壁貼混過去就好@@
版主回覆:(12/09/2008 03:36:36 AM)
我朋友也有想過用壁貼,但發現太貴了,才會雇用我這個廉價勞工. 哈哈.
版主回覆:(12/09/2008 03:37:34 AM)
因為你家掛了很奇怪的五帝錢.哈哈…讓人用腦都覺得麻煩. 在這順便宣導.五帝錢沒事不要亂掛. 掛不好會像我姊一家人一樣.都懶懶的.哈哈哈.
版主回覆:(12/10/2008 05:05:48 PM)
謝謝! 我是沒有錢,所以只好用畫的.哈哈.
Hello妳好,看到妳的壁畫這麼漂亮就忍不住留言了~^^ 漸層的顏色是怎麼上的啊?妳真的很多才多藝耶!
我原來住在Coquitlam,不過今年初搬到Waterloo, Ontario了。很喜歡妳的文章^^
版主回覆:(02/17/2009 06:09:52 PM)
怎麼,咱們好像有點相見恨晚啊? 等你搬到WATERLOO時才找到我啊? 嗚….
那個漸層是照相時的反光啦, 因為底色是金色,所以才會有這樣的反光,
版主回覆:(04/17/2009 05:53:09 PM)
哈哈哈…如果你開店的話, 壁紙會比手繪來得便宜多了喔!
因為,現在手繪畫算是種人工, 是依小時或是案件收費的喔.