People are fear of unknown.  

It’s because we were raised and trained to live in the security, things we know, so when there’s thing that we have no way to get to know them or control them, we fear them.  I was one of those people before, too.  It was not until I have knowledge of those that I was used to fear, that I ease away from my fear.  But it did take me a long time.

The best way to overcome this fear is not to avoid it (whatever that fear that you may have), but to know about it.  Your knowledge will soon be the key to ease you from the fear of unknown.

Ep. 6. What happens to those who kill themselves?

As I mentioned before, there are only two categories of ghost for me.  One is those who die from natural and unexpected cause, the other is those who die from killing themselves.

A ghost is a soul without a physical form and live as their previous identity.  Due to soul’s nature for evolution, they usually stay in ghost form for approximately 72 hours before they evolve into spirit and enter the ‘white light’.  It’s very unlikely that they stay in our dimension for good.

For those who kill themselves, they are a little bit different from the ‘normal’ ghost.  And here I will explain why…

Suicide is not an impulsive move.  Though it often shock people as an unexpected move, it actually takes time to come to that decision to kill themselves.  Those people tend to create a story in their mind, and that story is so strong that they cannot hear what other people say or advice, they shut out themselve, they may even have a tendecy to isolate themselves from people.

The thing is, those stories that they created for themselves before they die, will actually form a sound proof, isolated virtual reality room, where they will be trapped in after they kill themselves.  This room (more like a dimension) will repeat all scenario that cause them pains, and push the suicided ghost to make a decision again.  If the ghost cannot handle the suffering and decided to kill himself/herself again, the scenario will repeat itself again.  (As if the ‘repeat’ button is pushed.  and we all know how a ghost can never die again.)  At this stage, no psychic can really help him or her, because they cannot see or hear anyone outside the room.  Just like the way they were before they were alive.

It is till the ghost make a choice other than trying to kill himself/herself, the room will start to shatter.  And then, they become the ‘normal’ ghost.  At this stage, they will properly review their life and see the truth for themselve.  They may discover those who they wrongly accused mistreated them before they were alive, might not mistreat them after all.  They will be guided by higher spirit and see what really happen till the moment that they decided to kill themselves.

The bad news is that, that very task that make them check out early from one life will mostly likely be the task in their next life again.  A unfinished task will remain in soul’s platform until they learn to conquer it in one of those lives.

What I am trying to say is that, if you do know how soul works, you will never make ‘suicide’ a choice.  An unfinished task will always be your next task to come, this life or next.  I know it is hard, and sometimes it seems so much easier to just ‘check out early’, but the truth is, you have gone so far already.  You either figure something out now, or do it all over again.  Good news is, we don’t come to this world unprepared.  If you are willing to put yourself outside your situation and look around, you shall always find helps around.  Coz that’s what we soul do, we plant helps everywhere so we don’t get lost in our journey of evolution.  We just tend to hold on to our story so much sometimes, that we forget to let go of our ego and seek for helps.  Or rather say, we forget to listen.


If you are dealing with someone who might have tendency to commit suicide, instead of suggesting them how to live a life (believe me, they probably already know what you are going to say before you even open your mouth.), offer your presence.  simply be there.  Sometimes, they just need to know someone is ‘there’ for them, not like you have to do anything.  The sensation that someone-is-there can be quite soothing for those who have a mind to kill themselves.  When the sensation started to register, they may even have a ear to listen.