Ep. 15. Let’s talk about Devils.

The lesson of Devils happened in the begining of my psychic journey.  I guess the reason of that is so I can learn to keep my mind straight later on without being manipulated or influenced by Devils.

As you keep following my blog, you may soon find out that my higher spirit probably doesn’t like me at all.   At least, that was what I believed before.  He/She tends to dump all stuff to me at once, and as soon as I get an understanding of something, they threw new stuff on me again (when I haven’t even gotten a hand of the previous task yet).  For a long period of time, I was continuously living in a world believing that I was crazy (and seriously, they can really drive you crazy sometimes ;p).  As for the lesson of Devils, they send me many ugly, filthy and scary devils who threatened to kill me everyday and follow everywhere I go.  If that’s not enough, they made sure I was send to a dimension every night when I fall asleep to test out if I could be easily manipulated by devils, or if I would learn how to defense myself from them.  At that time, I was afraid to leave my house (not like it would make any difference).  I was constant in fear of what they would do to my family or if I would collect more if I leave the house.  And I guess it was through that fear, I force myself to fight them, and was determined to find a way to keep them out of my life.

The event that really pushed me to study Devils, is that one time I was battling with some devil and my higher spirit (Quan Yin at that time) simply stood by the side and look at me without offering any help.  I was so frustrated in a way that I questioned her “aren’t you supposed to help me?”  And she responded “do I?”  Feeling angry that she is not offering any help, I said “aren’t God suppose to help people?”  So she questioned back, “how do you know that I am a real God?”  Startled, I said “why would you say that?  You look like one, therefore, you should behave like one.”   And she answered, “just because I look like one, that doesn’t mean that I am one.”  Honestly, I was never feeling as confused as I was at that moment.  I countered back “does that mean that you are a devil as well?”  It was then, she simply gave me a smile, “I could be.”

If everyone has a moment that really push them to discover what truth is, I guess that was ‘the moment’ for me.  After that instance, I gone through a period of time that I simply don’t trust any spirit (no matter what shape or form they are in).  I question every identity of spirits and studies tinniest difference that could help me to identify them. It was then, I came to discover there are 3 different levels of Devils. (Well, it also helps me to indentify every other spirit as well.)

Though both ghost and Devils would make you feel cold.  Ghost make you feel like walking into chilly winter night without a jacket, but Devil make you feel the chill from within.  The chill usually come from the bone, it often follows with unknown fear that you may not be able to describe.  Devil’s vibration is between human and higher spirit, which is often depends on their level.

The first level of Devil is probably what we know the best.  They looks evil, speak evil and act evil.  The suffering they carry within the soul make them so miserable that their appearance is often distorted and reflected what they feel inside.  They have no way to control their vibration and energy, nor could they change their appearance.   Their existence make you anxious and nervous, and their appearance would probably scare you simply by looking at it.

The second level of Devil is able to make their appearance look like a normal people, but is unable to control their energy to those who is sensitive.  As for me, as normal as they look, being around them make my heartbeat go fast, I sometimes got dizzy with my head and vision blurry.

And the third level of Devil can change their appearance as anyone you want/wish them to be, they can also control their energy as well.  But if you do pay attention to their behaviour, you can usually see a pattern of manipulation.  They are good at grasping what it is that you desire, and manipulate it in a way that you start to believe everything you do is in the name of god, even it is obviously not reasonable to others.

Though there are 3 different levels of Devils, I also learn that there is not much they could do to you if you know your value, where you stand and trust yourself with the universe without always trying to seek out for the shortcuts in life.  They are often fed by your fear, that is to say that if you are not scared of them, they have no power over you.  If you do not hold strong opinion or easily manipulated, there is not much they can do with you either.  Of course, how do you know when you are manipulated?  Sometimes you will simply have to go through that mistake to figure it out.  There’s simply no definite answer until you try it out for yourself. 🙂

There is always traits for those who have possibility to turn into Devils.  You can see that they are trying to act like a God when they are alive. (and no, those are different from those who want to have control of their life and believe that they have power within themselves to make that change.  Sometimes, they may even tell you that they believe there’s God within themselves.  But they don’t seek for follower, nor do they want to control anyone’s life.  They just want to have a control of their own.)  Those who have potential to turn into Devils are those who really believe that they are God.  They believe that they have power over other lives.  They act like that they speak for the lord, and seek for followers and believers so they could be looked up to, which will also give them power to control those lives.  They make other lives so disposible, and behave like they are the only one valuable to live.  They have the craving to rule, and hold power of all living things.  Those will usually be trapped within the dimension of Devil when they die, struggling by their own suffering and intention that later on make them distorted in appearance.

There’s also another kind of Devil that is not coming from outside, but within.  In Buddism, we called it the devil of heart.  It is not a conscious exitence, but is mostly fed by greed in human.  Greed for the power, money, fame or reputation.  Though most of us have some kind of greed within us, we would not hurt or harm anyone in order to satisfy that greed.  It is when one is willing to do ‘whatever-it-take’ to satisfy that greed and have intention to get it by sacrifice, hurt or harm other’s well-being, that’s when that inner demon got fed energy and grow.  Which I will explain sometimes in the future.

So what I am trying to say is that, as long as you are willing to find yourself and not seeking for shortcut in life, the chance is that devils will never have any power over you. 🙂