Ep. 38. You choose your parents

Among all the concepts my spirit guide had thrown on me, I would have to say that this concept is my least favorite of all.  Honestly, I thought my spirit guide was on drug when he first told me this.  Like everyone’s reaction when I first told them this, they all shaked their head and quickly replied, ‘no, I did not.’  And that is exactly what I said to my spirit guide when I first heard it.

As I mentioned before, we as soul plan a blueprint for our life that we are going to incarnate to, we setup a platform and came to agreement with various souls to play a role in our life, we then choose a body that would fit that role perfectly so we can work our tasks and fulfil our life.  As now we have a playwright (blueprint), stage (platform) and a character (the body), we cannot simply play without giving the character a bit of personality, otherwise, we would not know how to act out our role, right?  And that’s when “you choose your parents” kick in.

Pregnant parents must know this; we do not have a supermarket to go to when we are pregnant, where we can pick and choose what kind of children we want to have.  But in the other hand, our children as a soul (or ghost, however you’d like to call it) would have time to study our whole portfolio and understand what kind of future we could possibly provide for them to decide if being our kid will fit into their blueprints  They then have an agreement with our spirit guide to understand if they fit into everyone’s blueprint before they come to be our children.

You see, you pick your parents (or your siblings and background) with two goals in mind.  One is to create the strength(s) that you will later use to overcome all the obstacles in life, and the other is to create the core task that you will have to overcome.  No matter what kind of parents you choose, they would most likely be able to provide those two basic foundation to shape who you are in life.  And the one task that is created by the family is usually the hardest task you have to deal with in life.

When I started to introduce this concept to my clients, they all believe that it’s easy for me to say it because I must be coming from an easy background.  The truth is, I didn’t.  Because if I did, I would probably have no problem adapting this concept when my spirit guide first introduced it to me.  But it took me about 5 years to accept it, and another 5 years to understand it.  The truth is, I have a pair of parents (mostly my dad) that I wished that I’d never have.  The reason I introduce it, is because I know how hard it is to accept the concept, and how free I feel after understanding it.  I introduced it to you in hope to free your soul, not to justify for your parents for mistreating you.

Take me for example; I had never met my parents since I have memories, which is approximately 3-5 years old.  In my childhood, I was passing around from relatives to relatives, I was called name how my parents must choose to abandon me because I was so different from the society that I was born in.  On top of that, I was a sick kid.  I spent most of my childhood in the hospital cot alone, with strong medicine taste always lingering in the back of my throat.  I have no friend if I do feel good enough to show up at the school, people often look at me like I was new student in town.  Or they questioned why I didn’t have to go to school.  ‘Alone’ was my way of living.  I didn’t fit in and couldn’t.  People might see me for a day and I would be at home or hospital cot for the rest of the week

Because I seemed to require constant care and attention, my aunt and uncle were always frustrated with me especially when my mother forgot to send them money.  They often talked about how I was such a waste of money, how I was the biggest burden of all.  I was always accused stealing when things are missing in the house, since I did spend most of time at home.  I was violently treated when they were frustrated.  The worst time in my memories is that they beat me to a point where skins split and blood all over, which I had to stand through the class for a whole month because I simply cannot sit or touch anything with opened wound all over my body.

When my mother finally picked us up to live with her, she had to work hard to support us.  Her job required her to work late and drinks a lot, which we hardly ever saw her even though we lived under the same roof.  She was always hanging with the wrong people, and those who want to take advantage of her.  Have you have a parent who always seems to make the wrong choice in life, or one that you’d thought that they should have known better, but they don’t?  Well, my mother falls perfectly into that category.

As for my father, he is really something.  As a person who was constantly called abandoned kid would always have a perfect image how their parents would look and act like if they’d ever have any.  Well, I can only tell you that my father is nothing like what I imagine him to be.  He might be good-looking and successful for many people, but he had a personality that I could not possibly imagined before.  He despised women, and he is not afraid to tell you or show it to you.  On my wedding day, he told my husband that now my husband is his son in law, he (my husband) could now have as many wives or mistresses as he wants.  He encouraged my brother who marries his wives for 20+ years and have 7 beautiful daughter to have a mistress simply because my sister-in-law is incapable to give birth to a son.  My father would violently hit his wives if he was upset.  He had so many wives and mistresses, and 30+ daughters and sons, that I’d always wondered how he ran away from the laws.

This specialy set of parents did provide me with two things that I asked in soul levels.  My strength to fulfil my purpose of life, and my task to overcome.  Growing up in the constant violent, verbally and mentally bullying, and a sick body, I have taught myself to be mentally and physically strong and never give up so easily just because other people told me so.  But it also created my task, is that I truly believe ‘nobody wants me’.  People follows my blog for a long time know that I have always had hard time sharing what I know, because I deep down believe that ‘nobody wants it anyway’.   So sharing with you all right now is my way to overcome my own issue, to find my own value in this world.  It did take my strength to help me fight my own fear and not give up on overcoming my task in life.

So what I am trying to say is, you choose your parents with two goal in mind.  To create that strength that you will need to deal with obstacles in life, and the core task for you to overcome and evolve into a better soul.  I love whom I have become today, because I am a strong person that I’d always wanted to be.  With that strength, I then have faith to overcome my task that I’d believed that nobody wants me all these years.  It is when I’ve learned to appreciate my strength and weakness, then I started to understand why I’ve chosen my parents at the first place.  So no, I did not suggest this concept to you because I’ve had an easy life.  I didn’t.  The reason I suggest this is because I know just exactly how hard it is to accept the concept, and how free you will feel after understanding it.  I knew it’s easy to give up sometimes.  It’s easy to just give up in life and let the world defeats us to nothing.  I myself have had that very thought in many occasions. But we as soul is not dumb at all.  We don’t come to this life just so we can be defeated like that.  In my opinion, I truly believe that everybody could be somebody.  We have a value that require us to seek out and understand where we stand in this universe.  At the end, no matter how big or small, everybody is as important as everyone else.   So understand that you choose your parents for a reason.  Take sometimes to figure out what that reason is, what strength you gain from it and what task you are supposed to overcome.  Don’t let the shadow in your past decided what kind of life you are supposed to live in your future.  Understand the strength and weakness you are supposed to gain from your parents, then you can start taking charge and create a life that you’d always wanted.  🙂