Ep. 41. Is there Santa Claus?

“Is there Santa Claus?”

If you have kids like me, your kids will probably ask you this questions many times as they are growing up.  How do you answer them?  Are you like me who went to study everything about Nicolas Claus, so we can explain to the kids that Santa Claus does exist, just because it was so hard to break a kid’s heart when they are so full of hope?

Growing up in Taiwan, Christmas is like a trendy thing that people do.   We did not know the religious meaning behind it (well, at least not for the Buddhist like me), we celebrate it simply because it seems like a happy holiday and everyone find an execuse to give people present, so why not?  It was not until I moved to Canada that I realized that people treat Christmas very seriously.   It is like our Chinese New Year in Asia where people spend time with their family.  I did not believe that Santa Claus exist, at least not from where I come from and my background.   I thought it was simply a make-up figure (like all the other fairies, elf and goblins etc.) to keep kids dreaming.  I knew where the present come from, and believed that ‘Santa’ is just a way that parents threaten their kids to behave for whole year.  Well, I could say that I did not believe Santa at all…. not until I have kids.

My kids really believed in Santa when they were young.  I believe that there are many parents out there are just like me, it’s hard for me to break their heart knowing that they still believe in something that we do not.   So for many years, I really tried to keep up to be a Santa.  It was not until later of my psychic journey that I decided to put my sensation into use of figuring out what Santa really is.  And to my own surprise, I discovered that Santa Claus does exist.  He just may not be in a human form, and is not limited to Christmas either.  He is a greater force that is almost equivalent to Karma, which I described to my children as “the force of giving”.

Remembered that I mentioned before that there are ghost that is not really a conscious soul, but an existence that is created by human belief and thoughts?  Well, Santa falls into that category.  It is generated base on how much people believe.  When one believe in Santa, one is not only open to receive the magical force that is able to find a way to give him what he wants, he most likely is opened to giving as well.  The energy that is generated by this belief then create a compact force, that is approximately 28-29 degree and will make people feel warm, hot or even excited.  This may also be the reason why color red goes so well to describe Santa.

This energy then make it easy or sometimes miracle for giver to give the believer presents.  Not only it makes the giver truly wants to give the present, it sometimes inspire giver great present idea that they did not even think of at the first place.  To give you an idea how Santa works, I have two examples.  I knew one kid who believes that she knew it all, that Santa does not exist at all.  But she would play along and claim that she believes in Santa because she still wants gifts from “Santa”.  So one year, her mom wants me to do some computer work just so I can surprise the kid as Santa.  Since computer works is my field, her job should not take me more than 5 minutes to do.  It somehow ended up wasting me nearly 2 hours, with all the computers freeze on me to a point I simply have to give up.  So I turned to the kid’s mother and grimaced with frustration and said, “I guess she must not believe in Santa any more.”  The mother laughed, “she doesn’t believe in Santa since long ago.”  The kid who does not believe in Santa make it hard for giver to give her gift.  The energy is so against the giver’s will that sometimes they may simply have to give up giving.

And here is the other example with a child who believe in Santa.   It was about 3 years ago, a friend was telling me that she was not able to get a popular video game her son wanted the most for the Christmas.  It was one week before Christmas and that game was just released in the first week of December.  My friend claimed that she had been to every store in town and the video was sold out everywhere in Canada.  So on my way to a mall, I said to her that I’ll check if I ‘d seen any video game shop in the mall.  I ended up going to EB Games with my daughter.  While requesting that very video game, the clerk thought I was crazy to leave it till the last minute since it was the hottest game of the year, and claimed that I would not be able to find any copy throughout Canada before Christmas.  So I requested her to check on the back and see if she had any stock.  With confidence, she swore that she did not have any but still ended up checking it for me reluctantly.  It took about 10 minutes, she came out to me with puzzled face and the game in her hand and said, “I cannot believe this.  Obviously, we had someone just returned it earlier, and here is a copy for you.” As if I was expecting this, I turned to my daughter and smiled, “I guess he still believe in Santa then.”  The child who believes in Santa made it so easy for giver to find the perfect gift for them.

I hope these two example could give you a little bit of idea how Santa works.  I knew many kids through my children, and was able to put my observation and theory into test to share this with you all today.  Santa is a force of giving, that make it easy for giver to find a perfect gift for receiver.  While those who does not believe in Santa tend to create an energy to fight against giver’s intention to give.

So to all the kids out there; is there Santa Claus?  Yes, this existence is real.  He may or may not be projected as human form, but his existence make it sometimes miracle for giver to find the perfect gift that you may not even know exist.  His energy is warmer than norm, that’s why you may feel the sense of excitment in the air sometimes when it comes into Christmas season.  Santa Claus doesn’t just give you tangiable presents, it is those intangiable presents where you feel loved and cared that is so priceless that you truly need for life.

As to all the adult like me, I encourage you all to believe in Santa Claus.   Because once you start believing in him, you will start to see how his energy finds its way back to you.  His presents may not be wrapped nicely and placed under the Christmas tree on the Christmas day.  But it is going to happen in your least expected time throughout the year.  It could sometimes be a nice comment from a stranger who you’d never met, or a generous help from the person pass by which is exactly what you needed.  It is when you start believing and open the door for the force of giving to enter your life, you will then see the surprise and random good thing happening in your life that make everyday a possible Christmas day.