As I mentioned before, a psychic’s power is hugely influenced by his/her background or religion. 

To me, as an Asian (here I specified those who was born and raised in Aisa), we were raised and taught in a huge foundation of knowing that reincarnation exist.  Our society talk about it so much in regular coversation that they are not even aware that they are talking about it.  As it was talked so much that it eventually become a part of our knowing rather than a concept that we have to figure out.  To give you an example, I was often told that I will turn into pig next life if I keep wasting food. (In my time, pigs ate leftover of people food).  I will also be told that Jinx will happen to me if I did something bad.  If I show disrespect, I will then receive disrespect in my next life.  It is actually kind of funny now I look at it.  As I was young and trying to figure this one life out, I already have to worry my last?!

As crazy as it might sound, I realized that it also give us a sense that soul never die. (since I will always have my next life to worry about. :p)

Buddism talk a lots about reincarnation.  In fact, a lots of its belief is based on this understanding.

But as a kid, I was always confused by the definition of reincarnation in Buddism.  It seems like that I am always the result of my previous life.  and my next incarnation, I will either be an animal (as mostly becaused I am punished to a wrong doing I do in this life), or a human (as I am given a second chance to repay my debt).  That’s also why Asian is always praying.  They chant and pray to reduce their sin (mostly from the previous life), and do everyting to repay their karmetic debt in hope for a better next life.  Trust me, I was one of those before until I started questioning why. 🙂

To me, incarnation is just like a platform.  To reincarnate, is like giving a chance to better the soul again (disregardingi what form you choose to come back to).  Through years of observation, cases studying and experiment, I also realized that recarnation is not limited to human/animal forms.  The form of reincarnation may be different based on what lesson a soul is trying to learn.  So it may sometimes reincarnated into other existence, angels, higher spirit, or even other existence in other planet and galaxy.  (I’d seen scene that I still cannot describe till this very date.)  As I keep mentioning it before, soul has a nature to evolve.  We go through life after life, just so we can gain the strength, knowledge and power that we think can better ourselves with.  That standard may vary to everyone since we were all special in our own way.  We have different learning speed, understanding, task to learn and the purpose to achieve.

Of course, many would ask me what it is that we are trying to achieve through reincarnation.

Here is what I can answer you with my limited knowledge so far.  What we are trying to do is becoming ‘one’.

‘One’ is not a place to go or a figure to see.  It is more like a way of living.  That is to say, you will be so connected with the universe (with or without a form), that your full potentials as a soul will be accelerated, you will be powerful as an individual as ‘one’, as well as part of the important element in this universe and blend in as ‘one’.  Who you are will be no conflict with the existence of the universe, but as an important part of it that cannot be missed.  You will know clearly with your own value, how to contribute it and where you position.  You will be doing what you love to do and meant to do, and value every aspects of your exitence as well as others.  You will then understand that everything happens for a reason, and that understanding will bring you to respect all existence.

So if you understand the purpose of reincarnation, you shall not fear of death, but understand it is a process of growing.  Look at incarnation as a plateform for you to learn and evolve.  If it is solely your choice to be in this body, this life and this circumstance, what it is that you are trying to learn?  When you are hit hard by obstacles in life, pull yourself out of the situation and think what it is that you are not learning?  I can guarantee you that it usually have nothing to do with the world outside, but something deep in the soul.