
About ruowenhuang

Ruowen Huang is an established author who has published over twenty books in Taiwan. She works as a Graphic Designer, an intuitive spiritual coach and a motivational speaker. When she has free time, she uses her creative energy in blogging or painting. She currently lives in Vancouver with her very understanding husband and two children, who have had to share her time over the last few years as she spent numerous hours bringing this book to fruition, creating arts and exploring spiritualities.


By |2017-01-19T06:36:37-08:00March 11th, 2016|Categories: 中文, 生活筆記本, 生活雜記|

Dear 駱玟:    你好,看了”第一百集 我給兒女的一封信-一百的意義這段影片”我覺得很感動,感動的是,我的媽媽沒有告訴過我: “人生是會犯錯的,這是正常的”只要我的行為不合乎我媽的標準,她就會很不開心,而我覺得很有壓力,我只想要討好我媽,讓她開心。    我知道我的母親很愛我,也和她溝通過可不可以不要對我採取扣分機制,但她說”那都是為我好,她想要我好還要更好”她的憤怒或者不開心,常常都讓我覺得我的人生無朢了,我的人生要黑暗了,我不希望看到她為我擺臉色,我甚至願意放棄我人生的進程,只求她不要再挑踢,有時候我覺得我可能沒有能力滿足她,也許一輩子都不可能滿足她。 […]

第一百集 給子女的一封信﹣一百的意義

By |2017-01-19T06:26:14-08:00March 10th, 2016|Categories: 中文, 心靈論文, 英文直播翻譯, 靈異次元|

親愛的小朋友(我都是這麼叫我家小孩的^^|||), 今天是我的第一百集節目,所以我想要做一些特別的。雖然一直以來我總是喜歡在直播前五分鐘才在決定當天的主題要講些什麼並任由腦子自由發揮,但今天我想要寫下些什麼並唸出來當作今天的節目。 […]


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