Ep. 185. Why do we lie?
- We are used to live in lies - Because we believe the consequence after lying is smaller than telling the truth - Because we focus too much on the result after lying to [...]
Ep. 184. All about crystals.
In this episode, I am trying to answer all the question I received regarding to crystals. If I did not cover the question you have, send me a note. Maybe I can answer it [...]
People you don’t like often projects the part of you that you dislike the most.
This is a hard truth for everyone to take into consideration. People you don't like often projects the part of you that you dislike the most. I am not saying this to encourage you [...]
You will manifest what you focus on
You will manifest what you focus on. If you focus on how bad the situation is, the worse the situation will be. If you focus on how things keep getting better, the better the [...]