Ep. 142. My psychic journey – my grandma
#whatkindofpsychiciam #ghostanddeath #notallkidstalkarelies #itshardtobepsyhic #whatisseencannotbeuseen
Ep. 141. Why do we criticize?
#weareallthesame #critisizeisanaturewayofsuvival #onesbehavioroftenreflectshisinnerchild #itooamjudgemental
Ep. 140. The difference between cherishing and the fear of deprivation
#accumilationisthesignofdeprivation #awarenesswithinyourself #whatareadoyoufeeldeprived #hoarding
Ep. 139. Why are we so powerless?
#youchooseyourparents #lifeisfullofchoices #youdecidehowyourfutureisgoingtobelike #stopfeelingpowerless #takebackyourpowerinlife #stopmakingpeopleaccountableforyourhappiness
Special Episode – How it’s like to love yourself.
I was lucky enough to convince my friend to share her personal experiences with you all. She has gone through a lot in the past couple years (and probably still undergoing), whether it’s spirituality, relationship, [...]
Ep. 138. You only have one body to live this life.
#YOLO #ittakesyoutotakecareofyourself #howmanylifedoyouhave #loveyourself #stoptreatingyourbodylikeshit
Ep. 137. Q&A – about vibration
#codependencyandhighlysensitive #vibrationinfluence #corevaluesearching #whoami #karma #lawofattraction #chakraandcorevalue #vibrationandphysicaldiscomfort