About third eye…
Third eye... In Chinese defination is the eye that locate in the middle of the forhead which allows you to see the "spirit" world. This gifted eyes is often given permission by gods and [...]
Third eye... In Chinese defination is the eye that locate in the middle of the forhead which allows you to see the "spirit" world. This gifted eyes is often given permission by gods and [...]
This conversation happened about 2 years ago. That time, I just got used to the plants talking to me and adjusted myself to see the color of the energy. My son was only [...]
My higher spirit often tell me something I do not understand at the moment, but later will figure out through life. Sometimes, he will ask me to write them down, and figure it out [...]
Speaking of the ghost, please refer to the early posting from In-Spirit (The Book) - 10 levels of spirits. Because the following method will only work for spirits in "Ghost" levels. Why does it [...]
Well, I am sure most of you may have the same question as my husband does. So I thought I may well just post it to make myself clear. He said: how can [...]
When it's time, I will leave my current job, and start doing something I like. When it's time, we will buy a house... When it's time, we will go travel around the world together. When [...]
I often encountered people asking me what their purpose of life is. After experiencing so many levels of spirit, and observing lots of people and nature, I start to realize there's a pattern for everyone [...]
Please do not fear nor sad. Instead, send them blessings and let them know you are okay. which will help them move to next level faster and shorten their stay as a ghost form. You [...]
Happend to watch TV today and saw Oprah have a series of "living your best life". Interesting enough, I would love to know what they have to offer. (Honestly, I may not be a big [...]
Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms.[1] The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious triggers. (Copied from [...]