Ep. 10. What is a fairy (goblin)?

Fairy to me, is an existence that vibrates faster than a ghost but slower than a human.  While fairy is a faster vibration and chirpy all the time, goblin is a slower (than fairy) vibration and usually give out heavier energy.  So if you were able to see human and the ghost, the chance is that you will probably be able to see the fairy/goblin as well with a little bit adjustment of your channel. 

Though my background did not provide much information about fairy, I was quite amazed to find out that they do exist. (Well, I do have to admit that I was kind of freaking out at the beginning.)  Living my life believing that fairy is simply a creation that some fable made up, seeing them had onced made me believe that my eyes must have some kind of problem.  At first, I did not know or understand the purpose to the existence of fairy (goblin), it sure took me awhile to realize that everything do exist for a reason.

With my expectation that all fairy and goblin lives in the forest, my first encounter with fairies was actually in a restaurant. (well, the restaurant is actually in the middle of a large garden)  It started with a 3 inches fairy spotted that I could see him and yelled out to his companions, while the other two simply did not believe any human eyes can see them.  As many of you may already know that my higher spirit has never been easy on giving a task to me, my next 3-6 months was litterally living in a world that there is fairy everywhere.

Fairy and goblin are fed by energy of belief, nature or season, and contribute the energy of aliveness back to the nature (such as flower, plants, wood, water or even ground).  Who they are to the nature is like bee to the flower, they transfer and passes energy and keep the energy in the nature well-circulated and balanced.  This is to say that they don’t neccessary ONLY live in the nature, they also live in a community that there’s people who believe in them.  So thanks to all the children out there who are keeping fairies alive.  Oh, and also all the other animals and plants (other than human) who simply ‘know’ that they are alive.

Most of people will probably ‘experienced’ fairy though they do not see them with eyes.  Fairy give out a tint of spice to the nature, it’s like an apple pie added a tint of cinnamon.  When you see the trees turning yellow (or red), and start feeling fall is coming and sense a taste of pumpkin or harvest, the chance is that you are encountering some fairies around you.  They are like various spice to the nature, it gives out a tint of taste to the season that you simply don’t know how to describe.  There’s a kind of fairy that is only 2-3 inches tall and only live up to a week, whom I called spring fairy, that give out a fresh light dessert type of feeling just one week before spring begin.

While fairy give out more light and refresh type of energy, goblin give out a heavier and earthy type of feeling.  Their energy is more for wood, rock or sometimes ground. So if I describe fairy as ground cinnamon, then goblin will be cinnamon stick. Needless to say, you will probably encouter more goblin in the fall and winter, vs fairies in the spring and summer.  Both fairy and goblin size vary from 2 inches to 5 feet tall, but I group the one with wings as fairy and the one without as goblin.

If you are interested in spotting fairy or goblin, I suggested go to a quiet lake with some kind of moon light.  Around 6PM or so, you will see some kind of steam on the surface of water.  Of course, some of you may say that’s the water releasing its heat.  You see, fairies and goblin has a way to blend into the nature so that human with ego mind will not be able to see them.  But here I am going to teach you how to spot them.  the steam on the top of the water surface will be approx. 5 feet tall and form a circle like shape usually near the center of the lake.  Unlike the scattering steam that is all over the lake surface, this particular steam seems to keep circling in the center of the lake.  That steam is something that human eyes can see.  I spotted those fairy by random once, they seems to dance to the moon and gave out a richness sense in the air.

When there’s a fairy around, there’s more aliveness in the air.  So if you can sense that pumpkin sense in fall, the chance is that you are encountering a fairy even if you don’t see it.  But who knows.  If you believe it enough, one of them may be naughty enough for you to see it. 🙂