Ep. 11. Let’s talk abou the purpose of life.

I’d always had people come to me and asked what’s their purpose of life.  So I thought that maybe I can try to clarify it here so people can stop come to a stranger like me and seek for an answer that they already know deep down in themselves. 🙂

Growing up in Taiwan, I was often told that a purpose of life is to do something in order to fulfill your life with a purpose.  People in general seem to believe that purpose cannot be fulfilled simply by being, but require ‘doing something’.  Especially with the skills I have, I would almost right away be labeled to help someone, to speak for gods, or even sacrifice myself in order to fulfill the majority’s needs just so I can fulfill my purpose of life.

It took me awhile to realize that the purpose of life is simply a goal that a soul set for itself.

You see, as a soul, we know very clearly what’s our strengths and flaws.  In order to gain a strength and work on our flaw, we set a purpose of life so we can plan our life around it.  That purpose of life is usually about you, and you only.  Not something you have to do or get in order to fulfill yoru life.  As I mentioned before, soul have a nature to evolve.  That’s to say, as a soul, we’re continuously seeking a way for a better living or better being.  With that nature, we set a purpose of life with intention to better our soul, and then plan our incarnation around that purpose.  We planted tasks of life (which I will explain tomorrow) just so we can learn to gain our muscle little by little in order to achieve that purpose.  To give you an example, if a soul has a full potentials, but is unable to love herself. Her potentials will then be wasted, and is unable to be brought out due to her stories that nobody loves her or she is unable to love herself.  In this case, she will most likely plan an incarnation so she will learn to love herself in the end.  So that end goal of her loving herself will then be her purpose of life.  As me for example, I came a long way to accept this psychic skills I have, therefore, my purpose of life may be simply accepting who I am and embrace what I have.

The purpose of life is usually something that a soul wish to gain in order to carry it forward to its next life. That means, a purpose of life should never be about other, but you and you only. It will not be how much money you will make, how many people you will help, or how you will find a soulmate to love you etc. It will be about what you can take with you as a soul and how you will get it by living a life.  We set a purpose of life so we have something to look forward to, and planted tasks of life to ensure that we really want it. With this understanding in mind, you should always remember this, with a clear goal in mind, you shall never get defeated by the tasks and fears, but be determined to keep moving forward and prove to the universe how bad you really want it.  Because the truth is, if you wants it bad enough and proven that you won’t be defeated by tasks that were thrown upon you, you will get it for sure.

So to make that goal clear to you, our purpose of life can be concluded in two very simple question: 1) Who do you want to die as? And 2) How do you want to be remembered when you die?

To me, the best way to find out your purpose of life is to live your life. C’mon, we plan this life for a reason. Why waste it when we can live it? Learn to deal with your emotions, good or bad, happy or sad, and see all difficulties in life as a chance to make yourself grow into a better soul. Emotions are there to keep us on track, not to trap us in stories. Challenges are there so we have chance to practice on it so we can get better at it, not to stop us from moving forward.

Now imagine your life as a piece of blank paper, and you can design a life that you truly love and inspire. (Seriously, you have every power to make it the way you want it to be.) What would it look like? What will you do that’s different from what you are doing right now in order to get there?

If that image inspires you, then start making a change now. No matter how young or old you are, how you believe it’s impossible or incapable, as soon as you start making that change, you will soon see how universe will come to your help. Yes, the challenge may still be in your way, and people may even try to convince you that you cannot achieve that, but remember what I said before? We don’t learn from happiness, but overcoming challenge after challenge. (No pains, no gains.  Right?)  The reason you have obstacle in life, is just so you can prove to the universe how much you really want it.  So earn it, don’t just ask for it.

So if you can ask those two questions again, and set your goal clear. Then live your life like you really meant it.  You will soon see that by living your life, you are already fulfilling your purpose of life.