Ep. 12. What is the task of life?

Task of life is the obstacles we planted in our life to overcome so we can prepare ourselves to reach our purpose of life.  To give you an example, if ‘going camping’ if your purpose of life, then ‘preparing camping stuff’ will be your task of life.  We all know that we cannot go camping unprepared.  So ‘collecting stuff for camping’ is your task of life, the process of collecting it is fulfilling your purpose of life, and make it to the campsite will be reaching your purpose of life, and enjoying camping is you living your purpose of life.

As I mentioned in the last episode, soul would plan a purpose of life, just so they can design a life around that purpose.  In order to reach that purpose of life, they will planted various tasks of life in order to gain their spiritual muscle, and the journey of overcoming the tasks will then evolve them into a better being.  And our spirit guide will always be there to ensure that we are on the right track to deal with grade 1 task before we evolve to the grade 2 task.

During my years of cases studying, self experiment and observations, I realize that there’s a pattern to the task of life.  It usually start forming a sentence in the age between 5 to 10, and one will spend the next 10-15 years collecting evidence in order to validate that statement is true.  Somewhere between 25-35, that belief will seem to crumble a little. that’s to say that one may start having doubt whether what he or she believe is true (though most of time they would rather hold on to their stories and felt safe of being right).  At the age of 40-50, that belief seems to have a different possibility.  One may still hold on to their story, but is more willing to take a baby step to try something different or new.  And at the age of 60, one should have a different understanding (after trying their baby steps), start living in a life of their newfound belief, and truly embrace what they’d evolved to learn. To give you an example, if one’s purpose of life is to ‘love herself’, she will most likely planted ‘nobody love me’ as her task of life.  By believing that nobody loves her, she may become shy, introvert or even afraid to talk to people, those elements will then become her tasks of life to overcome, just so she can eventually learn to love herself.

Though this pattern do apply to majority of people, I also notice that sometimes, people are too stubborn that they’d rather hold on to their stories and ego, and reluctant to move forward with their life.  What happens is that they are too afraid to let go of the stories that they took years to create, so they stuck in the process of collecting evidence to validate what they believe is right and cannot move forward to believe other possibilities.  Tasks of life is never easy, but it is gradual.  When soul planted the tasks of life, the chance is that you shall be able to spot them just about anywhere, with anyone.  It usually started with lightweight, such as boss or colleague, to heavier weight, such as friend, lover, and then to family. The thing is, if your purpose of life is to ‘love yourself’, you will probably have every opportunities and situation for you to hate yourself.  If you have difficulties to express yourself, the chance is that task would probably reappearing everywhere in your life until you actually learn to express yourself.

Task of life is never easy, and most of us tend to neglect it and put it aside. We will even convince ourselves that it is not important sometimes, or make it other’s fault just so we don’t have to deal with it ourselves. But we all know how it’s like when we don’t do our homework, right?  It could get pile up so much and overwhelming that we just tend to give up all together.  The truth is, no matter how overwhelming it gets or how much it get built up to, as soon as you pick up one task from the pile and start working on it, your life will only get easier from that point forward.  Because you will eventually get so good at it, you don’t even think about it when the task is throwing on your face.  I’d always told my client that, the first step is always hard (or the hardest), but it will only get easier from that because you will gain your muscle along the way.

The task of life is usually a simple sentence that evolve around you.  Such as I am not good enough, I am not loved, I am not smart, or I am not worthy.  Same as the purpose of life, your task of life is all about you too.  (So it always start with ‘I’, and most like a 5 words sentence. just like what a five years old would say.)  So if you truly understand the task of life, you will then understand that they are there to help you evolve, not to stop you from living.  So if you were able to use the pattern and figure out what it is your task of life, you will most likely figure out your purpose of life as well.  For example, if your task of life is ‘I am not good enough’, your purpose of life is very likely to be “I am good enough”.

Wayne Dyer once said, change the way you look at the world, the world you look at will change.  Task of life and the purpose of life works just like that.  Once your put your focus on your purpose, you will then understand the tasks are there for a reason.  You will work it rather than being stopped by it.  As I said it before, every soul has a purpose of existence, but it takes you to figure out what it is your purpose and value of existence.

Treat the tasks as a chance to grow, you will then see the growth in you.  I know the task could be hard sometimes (or REALLY unbearable-ridiculously hard), then take a break sometimes to think why you would plan such a life, and what it is that you are trying to get out of.  I am sure that you will always find your answer.  Remember?  Your spirit guide is always there to guide you.  Sometimes, you just have to stop for a moment and learn to listen to your heart (not your ego). 🙂