I’ve been trying to adapt the name ‘life coach’ for weeks.  I came to this point realizing it is simply not me.  I don’t coach life.  The reason that I cannot teach you how to live a life is because everyone has different task and purpose in life (and I am still trying to figure mine out).  My standards of a better life may or may not fit into your blueprint or agenda.  It takes you to live a life to figure out what’s the best life for you.  It is through mistake we made and a little success we were rewarded that we eventually coach ourselves into living a better life that fits our perception.  So the truth is, no one can ever be a better coach of your life than you.

So I am here to correct that I am not a life coach, but a spirit coach.  I coach people to understand spirits and how to be in spirit.  Hoping by sharing the information I know about this spiritual world that we are living in (or pretend that we are not living in), you can then not only ‘live a life’, but choose one, or even create one you love to live in.


Ep. 13. Let’s talk about the database of the soul.

Have you guys ever wondered how a psychic get all their information from?  Well, I do.

At the beginning of my psychic consultation journey, I was often given information of an individual by their projection of Gods / Buddah.  At that time, My biggest question was always “Aren’t you guys (Gods/Buddahs) supposed to go out and help the world instead of answering my questions here?”, “Why are you following everywhere this individual goes?”, “Why is their information given by a third party?”, “Don’t you God/Buddah have better thing to do?”, “Where are those information come from?”, “How did you get it” etc…

As you can see, I was always a curious kid (well, still am).  I always seems to have question after question, just so I can figure out an answer that I can be convinced. (and I am not easily convinced either. :p) So I tend to follow the trace, poking into where they get their information from, and how they get it (this is also the journey I slowly figure out the difference between spirit guide and higher spirit).  Maybe they were tired of me poking around all the time, so I was eventually led to this room that has nothing but 4 plain walls.

When I first found out this room, there was nothing there for me.  Really, nothing.  I did not know the purpose of it, nor could I see the meaning of it’s existence.  But it seems to be the room where all spirit guide collects their information from.  It was not until I was working with a client who seeks for my assitance due to a fear she carries through her life, but couldn’t find any trace that would cause it, then I found out what this room does.

Have you seen the movie ‘Matrix’?  While saying ‘gun’ in an empty space, row and row of guns suddenly appear from nowhere for the character to pick.  Well, this room pretty much function like that, but I will say it’s more like a visual ‘Google Search’ than a Matrix scene.  What this room does is more like a library.  By looking for specific data by really defining your search, you will most likely get exactly what you are looking for.  (Well, I can also see some psychics grab the first one possible sometimes, because it can be very overwhelming and massive.  Well, I’d admitted I was one of them before.)  As for me, various screen will appear in front of my eyes that plays 5-10 seconds repetitive short clip of scene.  The screen will disappear as I refined my search.

Upon my first discovery, I started calling this place ‘soul’s library’.  While assuming all library would look just the same as the first one I saw, I later realized it may vary due to a soul’s preference.  Some looked modern and organized, others look a bit disorganized but homey, and some looked ancient and grand.  I also found out that I can roughly predict a soul’s personality base on the library setting I am in.   In this new found library, I started to discover it has all records of a soul from the beginning of time.  This means that your soul’s library records everything you do no matter how big or small, just like the black box in the airplane.

Chinese has a saying, 凡走過必留下痕跡, which means that every path you walk on will leave a trace.  Which is exactly what the database does.  It records everything as long as it happened before (no matter in this life or the last), I usually found nothing if the story is simply made up.   Upon this understanding, I also start to realize that there’s no need for me to play judge on thing or people anymore, because we are our worst/best judge of all.  We record everything in our life so we can review it as reference when we become soul.  As a soul, you simply don’t have the judgement of a humankind, but is more able to evaluate thing in a broader aspect and understanding.

I am not here to say that don’t ‘ever’ make any mistake just because your soul is recording everything you do.  Database doesn’t play judge, it is only there for your reference as a soul.  But as I mentioned before, we are here to learn something, and mistake and obstacle are here so we have a chance to learn.  So instead of stucking ourselves in the mistakes from the past, we should really think about what it is that we are here to learn and what we are supposed to get out of that obstacle(of course, base on a basic respect to the universe).  But since the database is recording, why don’t you spend a second or two to really synchronize your intention and action, just so you can ensure that they are coming from the same place (heart).  If you are aware that database is always running in recording mode, then you will feel more accountable to what you say and do, won’t you?

So if you’d ever wondered where most of psychics got their information about you, the chance is that information mostly come from you, your soul’s database. 🙂