It’s funny that people often say ‘go to hell’ as a way to curse someone.  Me, of course, have had many occassion that people used that phrase on me, especially when they held different belief than I.  If only they knew how many time I’ve visited hell already and how hell is simply a place that everyone has to go through when they are dead, I wondered if they will ever use ‘go to hell’ as a way of cursing any more? (Of course, and there’s always the rebouncing energy from cursing, which I will explain to you all in future episode.)  Because they will simply be stating a fact, won’t they?  So what should I say?  Thanks, I know I will, but you will, too?  Without understanding what hell really is, I think that will only piss them off more.  Don’t you think? 😉


Ep. 14. Let’s talk about hell.

Hell, is a term that exists in many religion.  I don’t really know how other religion describe hell, but as for buddism, hell is a place where they put you to walk through mountain on fire, force you to jump into burning pot of oil, they cut your tongue and torture you in a way that you wish you would never live again.  Of course, hell is  not for everyone, but a place for people who did something REALLY wrong and bad.  So as a kid, our society often reminded us that one way to prevent us from going to hell is making sure that we do not do bad deed. (Sometimes, I think buddism really have a way to scare people. :p)

So it’s no wonder that when I have a chance to study what ‘hell’ really is like, I then really want to know every details of it, just so the curiosity of my inner child could be satisfied.  :p

“Hell” works as a filter system before a ghost evolve into their greater self (which you may describe as ‘white light’ sometimes.)  So this is to say that, everyone go through hell before they enter the white light.  Scary, right?  But don’t be.  Hell does nothing to those who have done no bad deed.  In fact, most of us will walk through it without knowing that it is there, and that is about 85% of us.

What hell try to filter is ‘guilt’ that we carry before we evolve into a soul.  This guilt is very particular too.  It is guilt that was created by you-know-that-you-shouldn’t-have-done-that-but-you-did-it-anyway type of guilt.  C’mon, let’s be honest, we all have that moment sometimes in our life, right?  To most of us, ‘hell’ is a dimension where we do self reflection.  We review what we did wrong, and how we could have done it better.  And with that new understanding we learn from reviewing our life, we use it to design and plan our next one.  Either to become someone’s guardian angel to compensate our mistake, or make it into our task of life in the next life to overcome.  So to most of us, we do not experience pain in hell, but more reflection of ourselves.

Though that is what hell does, it does have 5 different levels.  To the majority of the soul, they passed through this dimension without experience any pains but self reflection.  And that’s the first level of hell for you.  I call the first level as ‘self-reflection’.

The second level is for those who repent the bad deed they did.  (As I said bad deed, I meant those who have intention to harm other’s well being.)  I call this level ‘self-punishment’.  To those ghost, this dimension act as virtual reality room for them.  It put them in the position as their victim and let them experience what they have done to that specific victim, just so they can experience what it is like to be in the other side, hoping to gain a new understanding for them to plan their next one.

In the third level, is for those who have done bad deed, and hide from being punished when they are ghost.  I called this level ‘pursuit’.  Knowing they would have to experience hell, those ghost tend to hide.  (and no, they are not those who stay in the haunted house.  That would make them too noticeable, don’t you think? :)) They literally hide.  This is a level where you see all those ghost hunter (yes, those one who carry reaping hook and wears big black cape).  They hunt down those hiding ghost and put them where they belong.  Sometimes, knowing some soul have tendency to hide, they would even wait around that specific person approx. 1 week before they die.

The fourth level is for those who have done bad deed, but doesn’t feel sorry for what they’ve done.   I call this level ‘forced punishment’.  Those ghost will experience what they have put upon their victims, but the only difference is that they will experience it with 3 to 5 times more pain than those in self punishment.  The reason of it? We all know the shot hurts more when your muscle is tensed, right?  When you resist, the punishment simply hurts more.

The fifth level is for those who have done bad deed, don’t feel sorry for what they did, and there’s no chance for improvement as a soul.  This is the level where you will actually see an higher spirit as a judge.  He will then decide the future of this specific soul.  Whether to send him/her to start from the beginning of life, to trap him/her in another dimension, or give him/her another chance to pay off all the mistakes he/she made.

As you can see, hell is not a place for you to be scared, but a path that everyone will pass before they enter the white light.  As long as we show respect to the universe, true to ourselves and do not hurt and harm another life with bad intention, most of us will not even notice that we are walking through hell. 🙂


Side note:

While talking about today’s topic with a friend, she asked “so how do you know all these?  Did you just decide one day that you want to check out what hell is?  How do you know all different levels of it?  Do you just see it?  Or do you have to experience it to know about it?”

I answered, “no.  I don’t just wake up one day and decided ‘hey, today is a good day for me to check on hell.  (who does?^^|||)  It was the ‘white light’ that got me curious.  Though longest time, society made me believe that as soon as I walk into the white light, I must be dead.  So I had been standing away from the white light until one day my curiousity could no longer take it any more and decided I would go into the white light just so I can check out what is in the other side.  And that time I really believe that ‘ hey, if I die I die. no big deal, right?’ (I guess when you understand spirits to a level, you simply don’t worry about death so much any more.)  It was then I was brought to this dimension (or rather said that I was sucked in. :p).  It did freak me out at first since it instantly reflect all the guilt I had through my life.  But thanks to all that religious threat I was brought up with, I did not do any bad enough deed to make me suffer in hell.  Therefore, I was safe enough to observe what I see.

Friend asked again, “so what is it like for you?”

I said, “It’s like watching a movie.  Though all souls are there, but they seems to be not aware of each other’s exitence.  Those who suffered really look like they are in pain, while most of them are just thinking as if they were reviewing something.”