Ep. 16. What are the elements of earth

In Buddism, there are 5 major elements of earth, which are Mineral/Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Soil (Actually, my husband corrected me that it should be called earth in English. haha… I thought I use Soil to differentiate it from the elements of earth.  But I guess it makes sense. ;p  Earth would includes all things under the ground, which includes rock as well.).  Buddism believes that all living thing in the universe is created by those five elements.  It was a big foundation of a lots of Asian religion.  Japanese even use those element plus moon and sun to indicate 7 days of the week.   In fact, there are many birth charts, astrology, zodiac sign and fortune telling are based on those five elements as well.  When one carry more of one elements than the others, he/she would then be grouped as one of those element.  By studying all element’s nature, we then use it to predict or project how one’s personality, potential and future would be.  We can also use it as a way to analyze why one doesn’t get along with another, due to the dominant element they carry.

But that’s not what we are going to talk about today. :p

I am here to talk about the elements of earth that can be used by us as medium to collect, store, and even manipulate the energy.  Other than 5 elements that mentioned above (Mineral, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth), I also discover light and air as great medium to stimulate the energy.  We use those energy everyday without even knowing that we are using it, or rather said that we do not know that we are capable to change it’s energy for our liking.

Base on Dr. Emoto’s studies, the crystal of the water can be changed by it’s container, label or even our thoughts.  He said that water crystal changes 24 hours after you relabel it.  To prove his theory, I simply had to try it out for myself.  (Well, you do know that I am a curious kid.  Since I do have the sensation to test it, why waste it, right?)  So I poured myself a full glass of water and put a label around that glass to see if it does take 24 hours to change it’s property.  It came as little frizzy vibration to me at first, and then gradually become more like boiling water type of vibration. In 3 hours of time, I felt the property of water is completely changed.  Amazed by the result, I then tried various method and medium, just to see how many elements can be used as medium for people.  It was then I also discovered Light and Air.  I noticed that while it took 3 hours to change the property of water with label method, your power of thought could skillfully change it in the matter of second. (Well, I guess that depends on how good you are at using your power of thought.)  I also realized that while some elements take no time to change it’s property (such as light, air, Fire and water), others may take longer (such as mineral, wood and earth).  I guess it would have something to do with soul as light energy, and how light could influence other element.

Of course, you may want to know why we need to manipulate energy?

You see, I already said that we are using all those elements without even knowing that we are using it.  Human body contain 70% of water and the other 30% of whatever elements I mentioned above.  In Universe, once you have a thought, that thought had already given energy to the universe whether you speak it or not.  So we live in a life believing ‘we are not good enough’, ‘not beautiful enough’, ‘not smart enough’ or even ‘nobody loves me’, guess where all that energy goes?  The energy you contribute to the universe is most likely to be taken in or used by yourself.

So if you make an effort to pour yourself a glass of water everyday and believe that specific glass of water will make you beautiful/successful/loved, you will feel the different after drinking it everyday for one month.  (sorry, that 70% of water that is already in you does take a lot of water drinking to slowly replace it. ;p)

I often suggested that there’s a way to test it out as well.  As a housewife, we cook for our family most of the time.  What we don’t know is that while we are cooking, we are manipulating most of the elements at once.  (There are metal, fire, water, air, light and wood etc)  Your dishes often carry the energy you have when you are cooking.  So if you cook with grumpy mood, the chance it that energy will be reflected on your family soon enough.  To infant under 9 months, you will probably see the result right away.  They became cranky, colic, fussy or simply crying for no reason.  As for kids under 9 years old, it usually take approx. 6 hours to take effect, where they may experience upset stomach or low mood of some kind.  And as for an adult, it usually take approx. 12-24 hours depends on everyone’s digestion system.  They might wake up with unknown headache, stomach pain, grumpy mood or even unknown frustration.  This process of experiments not only taught me to try to cook with happy mood, it also make me pay more attention to who is cooking for me in the restaurant as well.

So what I was trying to say is, if you start putting more awareness to your thought, you will start to realize how many way you can make better of yourself.  If you still believe that you are not good enough, then start with a glass of water that you believe will make you good enough, continue it for a month, you shall then see a difference in yourself.

Note: if you are interested in Dr. Emoto’s studies, please check out his website at: www.masaru-emoto.net