Today I had a guest speaker (Sue from the studio, if you are interested in following her in Periscope) in my show.  It’s something new for both of us, but I hope it would give you some different perspective/explanation of things.  🙂

Ep. 17. Let’s talk about energy.

As I mentioned before, soul is a conscious existence like light energy with center core and it’s energy radiate outward.  All soul’s radiation may vary due to what they have plan for themselves in lives.  The feeling that it creates within it’s parameter of radiation is what we often called ‘energy’.  Understanding it from the soul’s perspectives, you will know that there’s no good or bad energy.  For example, while blue light may make you feel chill and yellow light may make you feel warm, but both of them have a reason for existence, as they are here for different purpose of life.  Some energy work well together, while other may be conflicting one another.  It is when it’s conflicting, people may consider ‘bad energy’ because one’s energy doesn’t work with theirs, or they may have a bad feeling towards it.  (I am not here to tell you to disregards that, because you feeling is obviously there for a reason.  When you have a bad vibe of someone, the chance is that he or she would probably not working out for you either.)  What I was saying is that your personal preference do not define them good or bad as a soul, it simply stated that they may not fit well with you.  In another word, while one positive thinking person believe one with negative thought is full of bad energy, one with same mind may not feel the same with the same person.  Really, think about it.  The earth itself had positive and negative end.  Unless everything reach its balance (and I meant ‘everything’), otherwise, there will always be positive and negative side to keep the world moving.  In soul’s perspective, there’s no right or wrong to it, it is simply what it is.

Sue said that most of people admit energy without knowing that it’s there.  For example, most of people can walk in a room and sense how one is feeling upset/sad even he/she did not say anything.

To add on to that, I’d like you to know that our energy don’t usually stay the same.  It could be changed due to our mood, thought and whatever we are going through etc.  It’s same as aura, which I will explain it in the future episode.  That’s to say, with the power of thought, you can control how far your radiation go, or even direct that radiation to specific someone or someplace.  So when two radiation cross each other’s path, that’s when you decide that whether you like one’s energy for not.  If the other person is someone that you know, he or she may even come into your thought before they walk into your view.  Lot of time, people have a specific thought of someone, it may be thinking of your elementary friend while flipping through your yearbook, or thinking of a haircut while looking at yourself in the mirror.  With awareness of how energy works, one may experience a very random thought of that someone out of the blue.  That’s usually when someone has deposit a thought directly to you, and landed within your radar.  If you are aware of your energy, you can usually catch such a moment happening more often then you know of.  The most common thing is that when one is thinking to call you, you usually sense who is calling you before the phone ring.  So simply imagine your radiation is like airplane radar, then a directed thought would be that airplane that is detected under the radar.  Ones with sensitive mind can always detect it when a thought is directed to them.

Of course, not everyone is as sensitive as this.  Though this energy sensor is what we were born with, most of us lost that skill as we grew up.  That is, we are rather more comfortable living in our story and feel a sense of being in control, than letting our sensation roaming all over the place.  When trying to deposit a thought into a person with logical mind (or rather said that one who tends to live in their own story, and disconnect with the universe), they may quickly brush it off and logicalize such a random thought.

As you all must see by now, there’s a lots of thing in the universe is based on awareness.  With that in mind and start holding accountable for your being, you will also learn that there are a lots of resource here for you to use.  You can make a lot of good thing happen simply by putting your mind to it.  Sense your energy and learn to be with it, you will eventually understand that you are way more powerful than you think.  🙂