Ep. 19. The power of intention

As I mentioned in the last episode, our thought is way more powerful than we think.  It can actually create/manifest things that we’d never thought possible before.  As you get to be aware how poweful your thought is, you will soon realize your intention is equally important as well.

Intention is the cause of all actions.  It’s through intention, we create thought based on our pattern and habbit, which later on lead to our action.  As in old time, people believe that Karma is the result of one’s action, I’d mentioned it before as well, it’s based on your intention, and not so much on your action (well, maybe a little percentage of it depends on how far you go with your action).  Intention tied very closely to Karma.  This is to say that whatever inention you throw out there, you will mostly likely get it back in one way or another.  If your intention is to love, you will get love.  Your intention is to hurt, you will get hurt.  Unfortunately, we are so used to live in a world that we believe we can hide something unless we tell.  This belief not only makes us get in a habbit not to be truthful to ourselve, but also bury our intention so deep that we no longer know what it is anymore.  Most of us do thing with the intention to get compensated, not really in the position to simply give.  The intention to be compensated (in whatever form or way, love, respect or money) is usually what end up causing us losing it.  Especially when you understand that karma is a force to keep universe in balance, you will then understand that you can never just take things without giving it back.  This is when your intention plays great role in Karma, and karma is just about foundation of everything.

To give you an example so I can make my point clear; if one’s intention is to get loved by specific someone, one may go out of his/her way to tell that someone that he/she loves them (even when he/she actully doesn’t), or even do/buy thing to please that someone.  This may not result them in getting love from that someone, but to be hurt by that someone as their intention is to get something from that someone, not so much about giving them love.   You see, the universe doesn’t really function this way.  Intention should never be about what you will get, but what it is that you really want to do.  When you started to get used to the power of thought, you will eventually get more truthful to yourself.  When you are more truthful to yourself, you will then start a habbit to review your intention before your action.  It is then you will realized that all things in universe do not have an intention to do thing expecting something in return.  They gives because they want to give, and they love because they want to love.  That whole compensation system is really only existing in human society, and we fooled ourselves to believe that is they way universe functions.  When one is clear with their intention, their action usually speak their intention as well.  Of course, this may or may not apply to the society we are living in right now, but it should.  Because having your action speaks your intention will simply clean up a lots of unneccessary acts that we waste most of our energy on.

Though I am not a mind reader (seeing thought and reading thought are two different things. ;p), I am actually a very good intention reader.  It is when one’s intention and their action don’t match each other, it then create conflicting energy to me, where I labeled such confliction as lying.  While I do not care why others lie to me, and I’ll even pretend that I do not know what their intention is, my kids don’t have that kind of privilege at all.  I called on them whenever their energy conflicts in hope to train them to be more truthful to themselves.  (I have no problem with people who cannot confront their own intention, or sometimes don’t even know that they have one.  I just cannot be friends or live with them. :p) By always checking in with your own intention, you will later learn to be more careful with your action and understand why things doesn’t work out the way you wanted sometimes.  And believe it or not, this is a neccessary preparation for you before understanding the law of attraction as well.  Because you simply cannot ask for things without knowing what it is that you are asking, right?

Intention is the cause of all action and the foundation of Karma.  That’s why once you gain your spiritual muscle by being truthful to your thoughts, I’ll encourage you evaluate your action and check in with your intention from times to times.  Only when you are able to have your action start speaking your intention, you can then maximize the law of attraction and manifest the life that you’d always wanted.

Since we are in topic of the power of intention, I may well talk about what my intention is for doing this (sharing what I know with you all).

My intention is to help.  I know it sounds like a cliche, but my intention does come with a selfish note.

This psychic journey is very tough for me.  There are times that I felt completely helpless and useless that I wish there’s someone out there could simply help me through this.  But the information out there is very surface for me, it could never satisfy that curious kid in me.  There are probably a hundreds of times that I’d almost given up as well, but something had always kept me going.  People had gotten frustrated with me sometimes because it seems to them that I simply don’t care.  My husband had probably sent me numerous self-marketing tool to help me make money with my site, but I’d chosen to disregard him till this very day.  I don’t seem to care how many people like/dislike me, follow/unfollow me, nor do I care if I make money out of it or not.  (Well, I do charge rediculous high price for those who come to me to answer their personal problems.  Because that’s the Karma I’m trying to wrap up.)  But C’mon, I am a graphic designer, I know how to market something if I really want to, but I am simply not interested.  For those who follows me for 7+ years would probably know that I had never put an ads on my site.  It’s not that I don’t like money, I just don’t like the distraction of advertisements.  (Well, I don’t mind it on youtube since it’s on every other film on it anyway.  but at least, people has an option to close it if they want to.)

Knowing how tough it is for me, I do have intention to help.  To help those who are like me and those who want to know about it but have no way to get to know it.  People sometimes believe that I am trying to help the world, but seriously, I am not that kind of saint.  I had never had intention to have the world to adopt what I believe.  But as I keep doing this, I start to get clearer and clearer that whom I am trying to help.

I am a mother of two.  I know that I am sensitive, and my kids are too.  Though they may not feel things right now (because it’s part of learning journey), I know their sensation will come back to them sometimes, just like it did to me.  I know that I won’t be the first person that they run to when they need help, and I can only hope that they have friends that understand what it is like and help them.  But really, whom I am kidding to?  No one had really understood what it was like for me no matter how much they claim they do.  Nowaday, we look for help from google more then we do from friends and families, don’t you think?

And that’s exactly why I am doing this.  No matter what life they choose to live or what religion they choose to believe, I want to be an option for them.  I will be here to answer their question if they search up for me.  I will share whatever I know when I still remember and alive, not the day that I forget everything and believe it’s too late.  You know we all have that moment, don’t you?  We grew to a certain age, then we are suddenly curious about our origin, but it’s sometimes too late because our loved one is alreay gone.  I want to be an option for my kids, or even their children as well.  If they happen to have sensitive kids as well, I will be here as an option for them to explain things to them.  Hey, how many people still have their dead grandmother talking to them on the video and answer their questions?  I thought I would like to be one of those grandmother. ;p

Besides, so what I can only help 10 people in the world.  If those 10 people use their own way to help another 10 people they know, then I know the world is already becoming a better place for my kids to live in.  So when the day my kids are dealing with difficulties in life and even believe that there’s no way out for them, one of those people may actually walk into their life and help them out with the knowledge they learned today, right?

So I do have intention to help, but my intention does come with a selfish note.  I’d always had my kids in my mind. 🙂 (and this is also why I often encourage people to start something even when they believe they have nothing to share with the world.  Yes, you may not have anything to share with the world, but I believe that you will have everything to share with your kids.  After all, we all want to pass our wisdom to our children, no matter what that wisdom is.)