I really don’t consider myself a spiritual person. I am not zen-like, I don’t meditate, and I am not even a vegetarian (in fact, I love meat, and consider myself a carnivore. :p) I swear sometimes when I get really upset, and there are a lot of people around me don’t even know that I am a psychic. I don’t talk about spirituality all the time. In fact, I don’t normally talk about anything that normal people don’t see or know. I close my channels most of the time, so I can live a life like any normal people (though it did take years of practice to the point that I can control my channels to be open or close). But I will answer any questions regarding to spirituality if my friends ask me. Spirituality is a part of my life, a part of the universe. It is not something I need to frame myself or make difference of. To me, it’s like breahing, a part of living that is not different from other things that I am doing.
I often have people ask me how to improve their spirituality. In Taiwan, they believe the ways to improve your spirituality is to do something for God, to meditate, to become vegetarian, to pray, to convert into a religion, to help people and to study etc… As for me, I believe the only way to improve one’s spirituality is to live a life. To talk to people, be with people, or even have an argument with people, it’s through life that we learn. It is through all the good and bad things that happens in our life, that we would gain our knowledge and experience in order to evolve into a better soul. As a soul, we don’t plan this life, pick this body so we can do something for other people. We are here to live a life that we’ve planned for ourselves, and it is through mistakes and obstacles that we grow into a better soul. So, no, I am not a spiritual person, because spirituality is in all of us. It is only a part of me, therefore, it doesn’t define me.
Ep. 26. What is ‘Chakra’?
Don’t you hate it when people like to throw big word on you when they don’t even know what it means? Well, I do. Since I don’t go around annoucing what psychic power I have, therefore, I sometimes had psychics volunteerily offered information to me that I am quite certain that they don’t know what they are talking about. Well, I cannot quite say the same in North America. But in Taiwan, we have psychic probably every 3 people you met (at least, that’s what I thought. :p) The first time I heard this word ‘Chakra’, I was walking by a psychic festival in the mall and a psychic tried to tell me that I had bad Chakra. While asking that how she knew that, she told me that she could see it. “You see it?” I asked. She then tried to tell me what color she saw, and what kind of shape my ‘chalkra’ was. Really, I thought she was on drug or something because I could literally see everything for myself. :p
The word ‘Chakra’ came from Sanskrit, which I believe is ancient Indian. When I was first introduced the word, people tried to tell me that it’s something that only exist in soul, not a physical body. As more and more people get into Chakra, and some of my friends were even studying full course of it, it did start to get my attention to look into it and figure out what it is for myself.
Chakra only exist in a soul that have a physical form. That is to say, I have not seen any spirit, ghost, devil or angels have any chalkra. This also meant that Chakra doesn’t only exist in human, but all living things that have a movable body.
People believe that there are seven chalkras in a body. It starts with the top of the head, between the brows, throat, heart, stomach, belly button and the base. It basically run a straight line from the top of your head to your genital. Chakras does not have colors, well, at least, not in front of my eyes. I see a lots of thing with colors, and Chakras is definitely not one of them. But I do believe that people put color on it for easy reference, and it also look pretty anyway. Chakras is a vibration existence, it took me awhile to figure out that vibration is how soul connect with a physical form. Ok, if we can all become the scientiest for one second, we will understand that all things are created by vibrations. So those chalkra points is like the key points that the soul need to connect with the body in order to fully function this body. As for why those key points? I hope that I will have chance to get to them in the future. As for now, those chalkras points to me are those key points where a soul need to connect with the body. And the key points then create a vibrations that’s like a ripple effect, that’s how soul and body eventually find its balance of one another.
Since Chakra is a vibration existence, that means that it could also be influenced by vibration. In this case, that vibration would be sound. Did you realize that people like to say ‘Om’ a lot? I actually wasn’t quite sure why people like to say it all the time, but I do realize that whenever someone with distress mind trying to say that word to pretend to be zen-like, it actually give me a headache. Om, orginally came from another Sanskrit ‘om ma ni pad me hum’. During my study of this specific Sanskrit (Taiwanese use this sanskrit will keep bad spirit away from them, so they say it a lot. Which I will talk about it in another episode), I was surprise to notice how it synchronize with our Chakras. With the intention and the sound you make, it first synchronize with your chakras and then create a vibration outward to the universe. This is also when I realize how soul has so many ways to communicate with the universe without even speaking a word.
Om synchrozie your chalkra between your brows. Though ‘om ma ni pad me hum’ only have six words and each sound works with a chakra follows, when it complete a full circle, it then create a new opening which will be your head chakra. That is also why pepole believe your head chakra would open up your spirituality. (Then again, you all know my definition of spirituality. :p)
So if I can simplify chakra for you. Chakras are key points where your soul connect with your body. It is a vibration existence. A good connection will create a good vibration (Therefore, you will sometimes see people using pendulum to determine how your Chakra is), it then open up your top of the head chakra. Chakras could be balanced through sound with good intention. It’s not only the way we soul connect with our body, it’s also a way that we could use to communicate with the universe as well. 🙂
Thank you! love this EP!