Ep. 36. Blueprint and platform of life
Whenever I’d talked about the blueprint of life, people always come to quick assumption that what I meant is everything in life are planned and fixed. They worried that how much money they would make, whom they would meet, or what kind of life they would live in the future are all fixed under the blueprint of life. That’s why I thought that maybe I should clarify here so people can stop freaking out about their assumed fixed future.
As I mentioned in the previous episode; our future is never ‘fixed’. It changes according to the decision you make in life. That means, every decision you make in life would create a different outcome of future. So why would I say that there’s a blueprint for life? Well, as I also metioned before, I can only use the word I know to describe thing that I’d learned. Like every blueprint, it’s a outline to execute an idea. Blueprint lays out details on how to execute it, timeframe and even measurement etc. But blueprint of life doesn’t give you a fixed playwright to instruct you how you should live your life, this blueprint exist only with one goal to achieve. That is, how you can reach your purpose of life by overcoming your task of life. The more we are close to our goal, the more we feel the sense of peace and happiness. You see, everyone has different perception; one’s perception of happiness may or may not be another’s definition of happiness. We soul design this blueprint so we know how to properly reward ourselves, what strength we have and what weakness we have to overcome. Therefore, the materials items (such as money, car, house, job or even a title etc ) is never a fixed plan in your blueprint. The blueprint is more like ‘if…else…’ under programing language; if you decide to make an action, that action then decide which future to call on. If you called another action, another future will be in place. But one thing is for certain, the closer you are to your goal, the happier you will be as yourself and the more you would love your life no matter how others define it.
Unfortunately, we do not learn from smooth sail of life, but pains and challange in life. Because no pain, no gain, right? In order to execute this blueprint, we design challenge and obstacle in life so we can practice overcoming it. And the stage for those challenage and obstacle to be executed is what I called ‘platform’. Platform is like a stage where you had some kind of soul agreement with other soul, where they can play their part with same intention in mind, to overcome their task of life in order to achieve their purpose of life. Those people may come and go from your life as your or their soul move on, but each instance, circumstance and senario that you interact with people would most likely be a mini platform for you to overcome one same task at a period of time. You will tend to reincarnate with similar souls in life, mostly because you all know well what characters each other play or should play, their strength and weakness in soul level. Since everyone has different task and purpose of life, they may play a role that you simply don’t understand. So to simplify it, platform is like a stage where you setup in a way that you can play a leading role in your life. ( and as everyone esle in their lives.)
Challenge in life is meant to make us grow, not to be trapped or defined by it. For example, if one’s purpose of life is to love herself, the chance is that she would design a childhood that she might feel worthless or unloved, so she could learn to overcome that false belief later on in life and start to understand the true meaning of loving herself. (please refer to my previous episodes, ‘the purpose of life‘ and ‘the task of life“) This also apply to those who told me that they do not want to have a relationship anymore because they do not want to be hurt again. You see, if you truly understood what I know, you would see how this sentence simply doesn’t make sense. First, no one could hurt you unless you give them power to. (They may hurt you physically, but they will never have power to hurt your soul, especially in relationship.) Second, the reason you were hurt because there’s something for you to learn. It is only when you are not learning it, that’s when you will be hurt ‘the same way’ again.
To summarize it, the blueprint of life is never about any material outcome, but who you are as a soul. It has only one goal to reach, that is, how to fulfil your purpose of life by overcoming your task of life. Platform is the stage where you exercise overcoming your tasks as the leading character on the stage. So no, I cannot tell you what kind of house you will live or what kind of husband you will marry on your blueprint, but I may be able to tell you what’s your strength and weakness, and what it is that you need to overcome right now :p. Though there’s not much I can tell you in your blueprint, there’s one thing that I can promise you; if you have intention to discover who you truly are and want to be and make them into action, you will eventually attract good things (in your definition) to happen in your life, as that’s how our soul rewards ourselves by reaching our goal. You will be living a life that you’d always wanted and experience true happiness no matter what it is. 🙂
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