Mental note: Never take on too many tasks when you are trying to overcome your fear. 

Make it simple.  One step at a time.  Or you may stress yourself out so much that your fear eventually convince you to give up.

Ep. 4. What is a soul?

Soul, in my definition is a conscious existence that is not limited by space and time.  It is more like a light energy that it’s existence cannot be  limited, trapped or contained in a physical form.  Sometimes, we are able to sense it’s existence is greater than our physical form, therefore, it could be call greater self as well.

To make it more clear ( or more confusing :p), I will use some light bulbs as an example.  Imagine bodies as light bulbs, which come in different size, shapes, function and capacities, and the soul as the energy that light the bulb.  Without a soul, a body is not called a human as a lightbulb cannot be called a light.

Imagine you are searching for the proper light bulb to light up a specific room.  Before a soul is born into a human, it seeks for a purpose of life (because the nature of a soul is always seeking for evolution).  In this case, that purpose of life is ‘how do I want to light up the room as a lightbulb’.  And then, the souls seek to create the perfect body and platform so it could feed into that specific purpose of life, and it was through the journey of figuring it out, we learn to evolve.

In my opinion, there is no good or bad, more or less when it comes to whatever bodies or purpose of life a soul chose to evolve from.  They all exist for a reason and equally important as different light bulbs serve different purpose and equally important as well.  We also specifically design the body so we can attract that special someone in life as well.

A soul can be transported within the parameters it’s ray reach by using their intention of thought (which I also wish to clarify in the future episode).  Every living things has its own soul parameters, and when it cross path of one another, it create different reaction, which may also be your sense of guideline that whether you like someone/something or not.  The feelings it creates within its parameter is what people often describe as energy. (Of course, there is also some different kinds of energy as well.  Another episode itself.)

Anyway, as I learn more and more about this world that we live in, tangible or intangible, I start to realize that the soul is the foundation of many topics I will discuss with you in the future.

As for now, take what I said into consideration.  You all are way more powerful, capable, extraordinary and wiser than you think.  And I just wish I can get over this silly camera fright, so I can be calm enough to explain it more clearly to you all.  😉