Ep. 44. Old soul, new soul
As I mentioned beore, I really don’t know who came up with those terms. But whoever came up with it, he/she must not be a psychic. ;p
For some reason, these term kept flashing across my mind this week, on the internet or even between the conversation on the people who sat next to us during the lunch. It does get my curiosity and questioned; how old is old and how young is new? What is the year bracket for people to decide a soul is old or young? What is the purpose to label a soul old or new?
It really doesn’t take long to figure out that society had already given definition to those terms. People referred ‘old soul’ as someone who has calm personality and seem wise, and ‘new soul’ as someone who kept making mistake or somehow seemingly restless and could not focus. But if you see what I see, you will realize those ‘definition’ simply doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen new souls act and talk wise, but question everything they said because they have not lived it as example yet. I’ve seen some restless old souls who cannot focus on one task, but moving from place to place, enjoying the life as every moment goes. So really, who define old and new? What’s the year bracket for me to call someone old soul and the other new? Older than me? or older than the one I am going to describe this term to? If you use ‘old’ to refer some soul who has more ‘life experience’, then I can tell you that those soul has more life experience usually have boarder acceptence to thing no matter good or bad, because they most likely have already experienced those things in one of their lives to come to the understand of it’s existence.
I’ve been called old soul one day and new soul next. But seriously, I have seen a soul called someone new soul, when that someone is actually 1,000 years older than them. I’ve seen someone called another ‘old soul’, when that someone is literally created on the same time as them. So why ‘old’ and ‘new’? I got it when people use word to help them understand things better, but when word start becoming a label on people, that’s when I start to get confused. It seems to me that we have no way to describe the things that we do not understand, so we start coming up with phrases and terms. Those phrase and term then eventually become a way that we do not have to be held accountable for thing, like accepting some unacceptable behavioiur because someone has ADHD or autism… (which I will get to it in ther future episode)
To me, everyone is an old soul. If I’d digged into anyone’s database, I could see the beginning of their creation that could hardly make anyone qualified to be called ‘new’. (If there’s a soul that is created yesterday, it probably doesn’t have a form for you to label it yet. ;p) Every soul has it’s own journey and learning process. What one knows may not be another one’s knowledge. It’s like one is good at math and the other is good at art. In different circumstance, those two would all be perceived as ‘old soul’ when they are put in the field of their experties. Therefore, labeling simply doesn’t make sense (at least, not to me.).
So what I am trying to say is, language does help us understand things better sometimes, but don’t ever let it become a ‘label’ and define who we are. Whatever we come with, we bring it with a very specific purpose in mind, that is to help us overcome certain flaws in us and make us into a better soul. So instead of allowing a term to label us and avoid accountability, take it as the name of the course and work through it. You will soon realize no label would define who you are, because you decide who you are and what you want to be.
By the way, I have a lot of people asking me how the universe is formed. That is definitely not a question I can ‘ever’ answer you. Not only because I myself is not formed before the universe is formed, I’ve not yet met anyone whose database contain the information of universe formation. (and yes, that includes all the GODs you all referred to.) So I may be able to explain how ‘soul’ is formed, but can never tell you how ‘universe’ is formed. So seriously, stop asking me that question. If one day I do meet someone who has that information, I will volunteerily share it myself. ;p Till then, there are a lot of theory out there that would love to tell you how the universe is formed, pick one that resonate with you the most.
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