Ok, in this episode, you may have to bear with me that I seems distracted for the first 5 minutes.  As I mentioned before, not only I am trying to overcome my own fear, I also tried to figure out this whole live broadcast periscope thing as well.  I got throw a little bit off guard when some people continuously using inappropriate language and comment when I was broadcasting. I may be good at blocking spirits, but not good at blocking people yet. :p  Let’s just hope when I get myself comfortable in front of camera (if that day would ever come), I will find a way to block it as well. 

Ep. 5. What is a ghost?

Ghost as everyone knows it, is ‘dead people’.

But as for me, ghost is simply a soul that does not own a physical form, and still live in this dimension with an identity of their previous given form.  For example, if I still think, act and behave like Ruowen Huang after I die, I shall then be called ‘ghost’.  So in my opinion, a human could become a ghost, same as animals, living things and others.

There are two categories of ghost for me.  One is those who die from natural cause, impact, other force or unpredictable cause.  The other is those who kill themself.  (I will devote another episode to explain this one in the future.)

There is also another kind of ‘ghost’ (well, they are not really qualified as ghost in my point of view since they do not have a mind of their own, but mainly form into a human-like shape by human’s thoughts.  which I may explain in the future).  Those ‘ghost’ act and behave base on what you ‘think/believe’ they would do.  They look like a ghost, act like a one, they sometimes may even talk to you, but they are more a responsive energy to your thought than an actual ghost.

Base on what I mentioned before, soul has a nature to evolve.  They are always seeking possibilities to improve themselves, and sometimes even take on the hardest tasks of all.  Due to this nature, soul doesn’t usually hang around in our dimension just for the fun of it.  In any normal case, it takes about 72 hours for them to let go of their identity and move on (or into the white light, you will say). If they still lingered around, mostly because there’s something before they die that they haven’t learned to let go yet.  But moving on is just a matter of time.

I understand that Hollywood has been giving us a lots of stereotype of ghost.  Not only ghost haunt, they sometimes hurt and kill people as well.

But if you truly understand that a ghost is simply a soul without a physical form, then you will start to realize that there’s a lot of thing that simply doesn’t make sense.

See, you and me will become a ghost one day.  (whether you believe it or not)  One day, we will get old and die, and we will become ghost.  If you truly believe all the ghost out there are evil and they do harm to humankind, does that mean that you believe you will start hurting and killing people when you die as well?  I am sure that your answer will probably be like mine – no.  I will say it again.  A ghost is a soul that still behave and act like their previous given form.  so if you think you are a very respectful person, the chance is that you will become a respectful ghost when you die.  So take sometime to look around you and the world you live in, do you truly believe that everyone you know and loved will become a killer ghost when they die?

As I said, it will take about 72 hours for a ghost to evolve into a spirit.  During this time, they might experience lost, confusion, and scare.  That feeling is like you travel to a foreign country where you do not speak the language, nor do you know why you are there for.  Picture how it’s like when everyone there look at you like you are the most scaring thing, and shush you with disgusting gesture or even burning sage/incense just to keep you away?  It doesn’t feel good, does it?  But that’s exactly how we treat those ‘ghost’, isn’t it?

I am here to purpose to you that, just put yourself in the position for a second and think what if those ghost are someone you cared and loved?  Do you want them to be treated that way, and projected as someone evil and scary?

Ghost, were once someone precious to someone out there before they die.  They are simply lost in this dimension and do not know what to do yet before they evolve into the next level.  So instead of feeling scare and eager to get rid of them as soon as you hear the name ‘ghost’, how about send them some blessings instead? (As you would do to the one you love if it was them who die.)  How about a kind word like ‘I don’t know why you cross path with me, but I wish you find your way out soon.’ ?  After all, I believe that’s how we all want to be treated when it’s our turn to become a ghost, right?