Psychic power and Intuition.

A friend asked me a question last night.  She asked ‘does everyone born with intuition?’

I answered, “yes.  That’s survival sense that everyone should born with.”

“But it seems that majority of us don’t have it now.”

“That’s because our surrounding influence it and our logics convince us that we do not need it any more.  But when it comes to the moment in needs, it will still come out.  We just called it ‘gut feeling’ now.”

“How is it different from psychic power?” she asked.

“It’s actually consider a kind of psychic power.   In fact, most of psychic power feels the same as we experience that ‘gut feeling’.  You may not actually see or hear anything, but you just ‘know’ it.”

By explain things little by little through time, I hope to bring that intuition/psychic power back to where it belongs. 🙂


Ep. 9. My definition of a spirit guide and a higher spirit.

Higher spirits can be angel, guardian angel, buddha, or even Gods. The reason I started calling them ‘higher spirit’ instead of buddha (which is the form they present themselves to me at the first place), is because that through my studying, they started to come in different form and shape, that I simply didn’t know how to call them anymore.  (seriously, how do you call a Mayan person? or a person who wear white tunic?)  So to make it easier for me, I started group them all together as ‘higher spirit’.

When I describe them as ‘higher spirit’, that doesn’t mean they are in higher level with us, it simply means they exist in a form of higher vibration.  Since I did not study spiritual term or word to describe thing, I will simply use the word I know to describe how I feel.  To me, all existence exist in a frequency of different vibration.  To give you an example, if human exists in a vibration up and down every 3 seconds, higher spirit will probably be every 0.5 seconds, while ghost will be approximately every 5-7 second.  Due to the frequency difference, they measure of time may vary as well.  As higher frequency, they may be able to get thing done that may take human an year to plan in an hour of human time, while ghost as slower frequency, their one day may be equivalent to one week of human time.

To better clarify higher spirit, I gave you an example of A who is good at math, but bad at art, and B is good at art but bad at math.  When A is dealing with art project and felt frustrated with it, and B came in to help A with it.  In this case, B will be A’s higher spirit.  When it comes to a situation that A is helping B with his math, A will then be B’s higher spirit.

Higher spirit do not stay with one spirit for a long time, but come in to place when a person needs that extra courage and strength to help them through with their task in life.  That boost of the energy and courage, or sometimes even a break-through of thinking  is usually helped by higher spirit.

The one that stay with you the whole time during your journey of life is your ‘spirit guide’.  One will have only one spirit guide, but may encounter many higher spirit.  Spirit guide is basically what you call ‘greater self’ or ‘higher self’.  He/She is the one who planned and plotted your whole purpose of life and planted the tasks of life for you to learn and overcome.  They know everything about you as a soul, how far you have come and how far you need to go, they knew what’s your strength and weakness, and planned a life for you to evolve from.  In another word, they are you.  But a greater you that know the whole picture, not who we are as a specific human body that only function upon 1% of its consciousness.

Spirit Guide’s job is to make sure that you are on track of learning what you are supposed to learn and evolve into what you were meant to become.   They are also the one that make so many ‘coincidence’ to happen in your life.  If your life is a movie, than your spirit guide is like the director of that movie.  He/she is always aware what is happening or what is going to happen, even if you as main character has no idea of it.  So if you’d ever questioned whether you are on the right track or not in life, the answer is ‘yes’.  No matter how it may look like to you, right or wrong, good or bad, (as I said it before, those are language human create), you are always on the right track, learning what you are supposed to learn.  If you’d ever had doubt that you are doing may be wrong, then make it right from this point forward or make a change.  While the learning process may take up years, the break-through (or ah-ha moment) will only take a second.

I also have many people asking me how to connect with our spirit guide.  The truth is, our spirit guide is always trying to connect with us and let us know that everything will be fine.  They do not approach you in a form, but more a sensation to let you know that everything will be ok.  If one is not wrapped around by their own stories or logical mind, they should always sense that moment in their day when their spirit guide try to connect with them.  It’s usually a moment that the problem in your mind is no longer a problem, and what you worry about is no longer significant.  To me, it’s a moment when I look up the sky on my walk.  Though that connection may only be 3-5 seconds a day (though it may increase it’s time and frequency as you start to get a hand of it), but it is enough to help you through the day.  So if you want to start connecting with your spirit guide, I will suggest you to start seeking where is that 3 second a day that you know everything will be just fine.