Soul . Body . Mind
If you understand how important for soul, body and mind to work with one another, you will take very good care of them in order to manifest the reality that you've always wanted.
Ep 176. How do you identify the voice between higher self and ego?
Still spending time trying to figure out whether the voice is coming from your ego or higher self? Here are some tips for you... [...]
Ep. 170. Coffee break – the necessity of ‘me time’
#everyoneneedmetime #thisepisodeisspeciallymadeformoms #motherscontrolemotionalbalanceofthefamily #emotionallyunbalancemothercannotraiseahappykid
Ep. 169. Loving yourself is just the beginning
#lovingyourselfisjustbeginning #souliswalkinglightbulb #thereisnothingyoucanhideinsoulform #youwilllearnhowtorespectothersbylovingyourself #whydowereincarnate #iamthelivingproofofmyownvision
Ep. 167. Parallel universe and time dimension
#differentunderstandingofparalleluniverse #timeisnotlinear #understandingworldwithmultipledimensions
Ep. 166. The world of Dr. Strange
#cansoulhealitsbody #spacetravel #astralform #mirrordimension #soulpossibilities