Soul . Body . Mind
Be the change…
Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi I randomly saw this quote in the bookstore, and thought it would [...]
Searching for soulmate
Lot of people will change themselves for their other half, but you probably don't know this; if you are able to be truth to yourself, [...]
How it starts…
Long long time ago (haha...I am not sure how long ago) when human was created like everything else in the universe, That time, all human [...]
This is how I interpret the body and the soul…
Lot of time, when people are talking about spirit and purpose of life, they always like to make it sounds so complicated, which often confuse [...]
You can choose to cry, or you can choose to laugh…
Lot of people came to me, asking how come life is so difficult, and how life is so miserable that they simply don't know how [...]
Why does spirit need to evolve?
This is the posting on my Chinese Blog, thought I will share with you all... Someone was curious why the spirit need to evolve? If [...]
Never underestimate the power of individual…
Today, I had a conversation with a friend about how much an individual could influent others, and she recalled this short clip and shared with [...]
"Comfortable" is a dangerous word.舒服,是個危險的名詞
I have recently cleaned up my closet and found a lot of sweat shirt for the charities. Those are the shirt I wore a lot [...]
Angels, may not always carried a pair of wings. 天使,不一定要有翅膀
My husband brought in a sheet of newspaper and muttered: Someone I know recently went to a funeral, and there are at least 400 people [...]
The "Why" that has been in my mind these days…
these days, my mind seems to have those "why"... 最近,我的腦子裏一直不斷地出現這樣的問題... Why... It seems like all the spirits (ghost, devil, god, wind, faeries etc...) [...]
Are you too self-conscious?
- By Dr. Marion Goertz ( When children are over- or under-protected, they miss out on being curious and playful, on making mistakes, on learning. [...]
Death, is not the end… 死亡,並不代表結束
A friend called me awhile ago, telling me that her 24 year old cousin died by car accident. For some reason, I understand her grief, [...]