Soul . Body . Mind
If we ever live in the world like Narnia…
These days, I have been quite addicted to the series of Narnia, (considering English is not the language I will pick for reading, but I [...]
If you have someone you loved just pass away…
Please do not fear nor sad. Instead, send them blessings and let them know you are okay. which will help them move to next level [...]
Living your best.
Happend to watch TV today and saw Oprah have a series of "living your best life". Interesting enough, I would love to know what they [...]
The horse and his boy.
This is a paragraph from one of the Narnia book - "The horse and his boy". I thought it's quite interesting, and would like to [...]
Panic Attack
Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms.[1] The onset of these episodes [...]
3 Second a day
I am sure lots of you already know what I am going to say. Many of you may already own your 3 seconds, or [...]
setting platform for dream come true…
- set a goal for yourself. make it specific, descriptive, in as much detail as possible. Most important, give it a timeline. (for example: I [...]
Conversation with the wind.
Went for a walk last night, and caught the following message in the wind. Thought I would share with all of you. I am not [...]
About In-Spirit
Live, Love and Laugh This is how In-Spirit wants you to live your life. In-Spirit was founded by a group of people with [...]
Happiness Is Contagious
My husband shared this information with me. I thought it may be nice to share with you all... ************************************************************************************ Happiness Is Contagious A [...]
Be grateful
Lot of people always come to me wishing to connect with their guardian angel.Interesting enough, most of people define guardian angel as those who is [...]
Desire + Believe = Dream come true
I really want to be rich... I really want to have someone to love me... I really want to have a family... I really [...]