37 Life Lessons That Will Get Your Mind Right

By  on February 9, 2014
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Life Lessons About Success Self Improvement


Every moment in our life is an experience. We can either choose to learn something from them or let them pass us by.


Over the past year I have made a conscious effort to:

  • Stay curious (保持好奇)
  • See the good(看到好的一面)

The reason? 原因是?


Experiences help us develop a better perspective on life and I believe it is our perspective that determines our future success.


When seeing the good and staying curious, it will challenge us to learn from each experience. We will grow in ways we never thought possible. Adopting this mentality while working on building two companies has enhanced my perspective.


Below are the life lessons I have learned thus far:


37 Lessons Learned In Life


1. Life is NOT a marathon; it is a series of sprints. (生命不是一場馬拉松,而是一連串的短跑競賽。)

2. You rarely have regrets when you have the courage to fail. (當你有勇氣去面對失敗的時候,你顯少會有後悔的時候。)

3. Focus on being productive, not busy. (著重在有效率,而不是忙碌)

4. Once you find your dream, risk everything to make it come true. (一旦你找到你自己的夢想,那就冒著所有的風險讓它成真吧。)

5. Your state of mind is the most important factor in the outcome of your life. (你的心智是造成你生命表象的重要元素)

6. Those whose names are worth remembering never lived a life of ease. (那些名字值得被紀念的人顯少是過著安逸的生活。)

7. You can take what life gives you or you can take what you want from life. Your choice. (你可以選擇生命給你的,或是你可以從生命中拿走你要的。那都是你的選擇。)

8. It’s easy to get motivated but hard to stay disciplined. (被激發是件很容易的是,但保持自我約束卻是件很難的事。)

9. Worrying never changes the outcome. (擔心永遠不能改變現狀。)

10. Most people quit because they look how far they have to go, not how far they have come. (大部份的人選擇放棄是因為他們只看見他們還有多遠的路要走,但沒有去注意他們已經走了多遠。)

11. If you don’t help yourself, you can’t help anyone else. (如果你不幫自己,那你更不能去幫助任何人。)

12. Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are. (批判一個人並不能夠詮釋那個人,那只會詮釋你是怎麼樣的一個人。)

13. Beliefs give direction to your life.  Stand for something. (信念會為你的生命帶來一個方向。支持些什麼吧。)

14. Find the good in others and you will find the good in yourself. (在別人身上找到好的一面,你將會在自己身上也看到好的一面。)

15. In order to have faith in your path, you do not need to prove that someone else’s path is wrong. (你不需要去證明別人的路是錯的來對自己所選的道路有信心。)

16. All change, even change for the better, will be accompanied by discomfort and hesitancy. Yet when you have an unrelenting belief in your mission, you charge ahead knowing everything will work out for the best. (所有的改變,包括更好的改變,都會伴隨著不舒適與猶豫感。所以當你的目標面臨到考驗的時候,只要勇敢地往前衝,你知道到最後一切的結果一定都是最好的。)

17. If you’re going to do something, do something that matters. (如果你要做些什麼事的話,那麼就做些真正可以改變些什麼的事吧。)

18. You only have so much energy so stop wasting it by worrying about what others do or say. Keep doing what energizes you the most.  (你只有那麼多的能量,所以停止浪費在別人說些什麼或者是做些什麼。持續去做些可以給予你更多能量的事吧。)

19. Your best friends should bring out the best in you. (你最好的朋友應該能夠帶出你最好的一面。)

20. Stop wishing to be something you are not.  Instead recognize that you are unique and there is no one else in the world like you. (停止想要去成為你不是的人。倒不如認清你是多麼的獨特,而且這個世界上絕對沒有人像你一樣。)

21. Everyone faces obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life. (每一個人都會面臨到障礙於。你如何面對這些障礙決定你是怎麼樣的一個人,也說明了你在生命中會有多麼的成功。)

22. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to make the change you want to see.(不要只是坐著等待別人去做那些你想要看到的改變。)

23. If you want something bad enough, you will make the time for it regardless of how busy you may be. (如果你真的迫切的想要一些東西,那麼不管你有多忙,你都會想辦法挪出一些時間給它。)

24. Jealousy comes from counting others blessings instead of your own. (嫉妒來自於你選擇清點別人的幸運,而不是你自己的。)

25. You are either going to go through the pain of disappointment or discipline in your life. The latter makes the pain worth it.(你要不是會面臨生命中失望的痛,就是會體驗訓練/自我紀律的痛。後者的痛絕對是比較值得的。)

26. If you don’t start building your dream you will be hired by someone else to build theirs. (如果你不開始著手建造你自己的夢想,那麼你就會被雇用去為他人建造他們的夢想。)

27. No one is fearless.  The difference between achievers and everyone else is that they take action despite their fears. (沒有人是毫無恐懼的。那些有所成就的人與一般人的平同之處就是他們會不管自己的恐懼採取行動。)

28. Be that friend and leader that everyone aspires to be like. (當一個每一個人都被啟發得想要成為的朋友與領導者)

29. There will never be a perfect time so start today. (永遠沒有更好的時機,所以從今天開始吧。)

30. If what you do doesn’t make others better at what they do then you are not living up to your potential. (如果你所做的事不會讓別人在他們做的工作崗位上做得更好,那麼你就還沒有完全地活出你的潛能。)

31. Everyone has what it takes. However most are not willing to give everything it takes to live out their dreams. (每一個人都有這樣的潛能。然而,大多數的人都不願意盡其所能地去活出他們的夢想。)

32. When you help someone accomplish something they never thought possible, it creates a ripple effect that positively influences the lives of many more.(當你幫助他人完成他們畢生都無法想像完成的事,那會創造出漣漪般的效應可以正面地影響到其它更多人的生命。)

33. If you treat others well and give each day your best, things start to work in your favor. (如果你好好地對待他人並以你最好的活出每一天,那麼所有的事情都將會開始為你運作。)

34. Trust actions not words. (信任是一種行動表現而不是用說的。)

35. The only moment that matters is the one that is happening right now. (此刻才是唯一重要的時刻。)

36. Those who say it’s not about being the best know they will never be the best. (那些老是說盡力不是一切的人知道他們永遠無法成為最好的)

37. Want to know your past?  Look into your present conditions.  Want to know your future?  Look into your present actions. (想要知道你的過去嗎?看看你現在的狀況。想要知道你的未來嗎?看看你現在的行動。)