It all start with a casual walk in the neighbourhood and notice a red fairy door under the tree.  All of a sudden, I want one on my own as well.  So I drove to buy all the materials one day when my family were away during the Christmas.  But we finally had time to setup the fairy door on BC family day.

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This is our first fairy door…

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Since our house is nearby a school, we were quite happy to see how it amazed lot of kids as it did us at the first time.  So then, we wanted to really build more onto it… this is when we found out it is sooooo addictive…

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A rope ladder for fairy to climb onto the tree… (consider they do have ‘wings’ to fly. ;p)

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And then, we want to build another door on the other side of the tree…

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And now, we have fairy door on both sides, plus one on top of the tree…

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Though it is not cheap to build fairy door, I do believe that some experience simply cannot be measured by money. 🙂