Ep. 180. Build up vocabulary that speaks who you are
- It's easy to hurt someone when you feel hurt - It's extremely hard to keep your mouth shut when you are angry - Learn to calm down and review what your intention is [...]
Respectful Leader & Yoga Man
With help and coaching from my wonderful wife, for the past 6 months or so I have been working on being a "respectful leader". This is one of the daily affirmantions I [...]
Here are some products for vloggers
Here are the links where I purchase those products: Monopod: https://www.amazon.ca/…/B00N…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00… Phone mount : https://www.amazon.ca/…/B00C…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00… Selfie Light: https://www.amazon.ca/…/B01N…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00… Microphone: https://www.amazon.ca/…/B015…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00…
Gekkopod vs Pentapod
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjqsi_uRGYU Here is where I buy mime: (Since all other webiste has both products photos on it, I do not know what their actual product is. My reviews is simply based on the products [...]
Ep. 179. The importance of sleep
Have you ever wondered why we sleep? What do we do when we are sleeping? Are we as dead and useless as we perceive ourselves to be? This episode, let's discuss why we sleep [...]
Tim Ferriss: Tools of Titans – great read to start the New Year!
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise 2016 was the year I really discovered and explored podcasts. My favorite by far is the Tim Ferriss podcast where he interviews (long format) experts in all [...]
Ep. 178. What’s your worth?
Disregard how much asset you have and how much money you save, do you know what your worth is? Sometimes, we compromise our value in order to meet other people's need, but do we know [...]
Ep. 177. Finding your passion in life
It seems such a great idea that we can love what we do! But why is such a simple concept so hard to achieve? What's missing? Or what have we done wrong that our passion [...]
Ep 176. How do you identify the voice between higher self and ego?
Still spending time trying to figure out whether the voice is coming from your ego or higher self? Here are some tips for you...