Ep. 18. The power of thought

It took awhile for me to realize how powerful a human thought is.  Aren’t you always curious why Devil always need to ‘work’ with human if he is so powerful as he is?  Or why does God need human to speak and act for them if he literally designs everyone’s life?   Well, I don’t know about you, but those were my common questions in the early stage of my journey.

My higher spirit introduced the power of thought during the process of my Devils studying (or rather said ‘coping’ :p)  At that time, she told me that if I didn’t want to attract bad spirit/energy, then just don’t have bad thought in mind.  Quess what we human do when someone tell us not to think about something?  We think about that something!!!  The more you try not to think about it, the more you would end up thinking about it.  And that was exactly what happened to me when my higher spirit told me not to have ANY bad thought.  Seriously, at that time, all kinds of bad thought could passed through my head that I did not even know how to define ‘bad’ any more.

My higher spirit probably realized ‘that’ alone was not confusing enough for me, she later threw me a skill to see people’s thought as well.  I am not sure if I can describe what I saw correctly, but it’s like everyone had different color laser beam streaming out from their head and branches out to various places.  And it did not just happen on human, but every living thing that I encountered, plants, flower, tree and animals etc.  At first, I wasn’t sure what it was.  It did take me a while to realized that’s actually the thought everyone carries.  It seemed that once a thought is formed, the universe is very well informed as well.  (Just like when I just thought about giving my dogs treats, they’d already wagging their tails and waiting even when I am not up from the couch yet.)  Seriously, this understanding kind of freaked me out at first.  I was probably like everyone, thinking ‘What?!  Does this means that I have no privacy at all?!  How about the world that we believe that no one will know anything as long as we don’t say anything about it?!’

My human pride made me believe my privacy is more than just important to me, it’s nessecity of living.  It was not until I was forced to live in this world that my higher spirit threw upon me that I knew I was completely wrong with my human ego.  Knowing that I cannot hide anything to the universe had forced me to be truthful to myself.  (Well, why not?  Since I cannot hide it anyway.)  I learned to have my action speak my thought.  I even learned to be with my dark side (this means that I no longer pretend to like everyone, because I really don’t. :p).  This process had eventually taught me to accept my being, good or bad, right or wrong, and also free myself from the need to keep any privacy to myself.  In another word, I have nothing to hide.  It also taught me to be more in presence while having conversation with someone as I noticed that human don’t usually live in the presence as their thoughts seems to always go all over the place while acting like they are engaged in a conversation.

It was in the place that I had nothing to hide that I can then observe how powerful human thought could do.   Human thought could manifest things that I didn’t think possible before.  Remembered I mentioned before that there are ‘ghost’ that is not really ghost, but look and act like a ghost?  Those are generated by human thoughts.  (They response what you expect them to response, but lack of self-consciousness to make decision for themselves.)  In most of Asian religion, there’s a term called ‘Karmic creditor’, which are people you had done wrong doing in the previous life and ended up following you everywhere you go this life to cause you difficulties and pain in life, those are also generated by thought.  The energy of the house could also be generated by your thought.  Though I can go on forever to talk about things that could be generated by your thought, but that is obviously not my focus today.

What I was trying to bring awareness today is that if you are aware how powerful your thought is, then you should also be more careful with what thought you are feeding yourself.   You see, during my observation of human thought, I noticed there’s this self-digesting thought that is always lingering on the back of your head.  That specific thought is what we feed ourself everyday without even knowing that we are doing it.  Have you ever look at a perfect shaped woman eating and right aways hearing a voice say, ‘I get fat even by drinking water?’  or have you ever hear that voice say, ‘I am not smart, so better keep my mouth shut.’?  How about, ‘no one want to know what I have to say’, “Nobody loves me’, and ‘I am not worthy’?

That, is the voice that I found almost every human carries.  The thought to ourself, the privacy that we never want anyone to find out of, and the darkest side of us that we can never learn to be with.  That is the thought I want you to learn to catch.  Once you do catch it, I want you to reverse that thought.  If you’d ever caught that nagging voice in the back of your head saying that ‘nobody will love me’, then I want you to stand in front of a mirror and speak out loud that ‘Everybody loves me’ three times a day, three times every time. (Remember, this method require you to speak it out loud, not just saying it in your head.  Because that won’t work if you just keep it to yourself.)  You see, no one can brainwash you better than yourself.  With some visual stimulation and your own voice, you can override that nagging voice in the back of your mind in the matter of time.  Of course, you may feel very awkward and even silly for the first week of doing this.  But take my words for it (since I’d tried this method on so many clients already. ;p), if you keep up to it for a month, you will start noticing the difference in you.  We all know what’s toxicated for your body in reality, right?  So why feeding our soul toxic thought when we can feed it something good instead?  Afterall, it’s free anyway.  All I am asking is that you say something nice to your soul everyday.

Aside from that, really take this into consideration.  There’s nothing you can hide from the universe. (Really, Nothing!)  As soon as one thought form, the universe will know (well, other than some human, I guess.  Since we are so comfortable living in our story rather than learning to connect with the universe).  I know this concept might sound sucks for you.  But trust me, it only sucks for about 3 months.  You will soon realize how much you can free yourself by simply being truthful to yourself.  Because this will only just be begining.  Before you want to excersie the law of attraction, you’d better learn how powerful your thought really is.  So use it smartly, and use it well.