Every success you want in life is hiding behind the challenge you fear the most.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t come easy.  No pain no gain is not just a saying, but something deep down that we all know. That’s why we planned tasks and challenges in life, hope we will gain something in the end.  The ugly truth is, we don’t learn from happiness. But the desire to be happy gives us something to fight our fear and makes all sufferings worthwhile. So for every gain we want to have, it takes us to overcome certain challenge that we fear the most.

In this episode, I felt rushed.  Not only have I not overcome my camera fright yet, there are too many questions and I felt every question require deeper explanations when there were a lots of word I was not sure if my audiences understand enough to use.  Well, since it’s still my month of practice, I guess this experience would just give me a better idea how to refine my channel.

So from now on, I will stick to one question per episode until I’m truely comfortable in front of camera.  🙂

Ep. 3. Do psychic has ‘ third eye’? What is the third eye?  Can anyone develop it?

If you have a stereotype impression that the third eye is an eye that locates in the center of your forehead, my answer to that would be ‘No’.

The third eye in my definition is an eye that will allow you to see the thing without a physical form.  That, unfortunately doesn’t look like a eye shape, but has no form at all. It’s call the eye of heart.

For the longest time, we human only were taught to use our heart to feel (limited mostly around emotions), but fail to recognize that our heart also has abilities to hear, see, sense and even touch sometimes.  It was through my journey that I recognoize that our heart has a full on sensation on its own.  Your heart hears people thinking of your name before they pick up the phone and give you a call. Your heart sees the house of your dream before you even walk inside the house. Your heart has a feeling towards thing before it actually happens, as some of you may call that sensation ‘gut feeling’.  You sometimes claim that you sense a bad vibe from Someone before you even get to know their name.  That, is what I called all sensations of heart, which also decide whether your physical shall response the same or not.

The eye of heart (which is my definition of the third eye) will sometimes allow you to actually see what you feel, or simply feel something as seeing it.  That means, though you do not see it with your eyes, you can describe those existence to the details (It’s like a blind people seeing things.  Though they do not literally ‘see’ you, they know exactly what you look like). To me, I have the abilities of both and I can confidently tell you that feeling it as seeing it is definitely way better than actually seeing it (consider most of existence are not in their best look of all).  And seriously, when you are able to feel it to see, your vision will not be limited by time and space either.

So, do all psychic have the third eye?  As I describe above, they either has the ability to control their eyes to see what their heart sees, or they are using their eye of heart to see. But in regards of having an eye on your forehead, the answer is no.   The reason that most of religion like to make it looks like there’s an eye on their forehead, it’s because that’s where your soul sit most of time.  Seriously, it’s all symbolic. Since that’s where your soul sit, you should always center your souls before you see things anyway.

Can everyone develop the third eye?

As I said before, everyone is born psychic. Sure you can develop it like you train your muscle to walk and run. But before you are able to ‘see’ things. You will have to first find your center and connect with the universe.  So-called finding your center means finding the core of yourself. That someone who used to be happy without money or a soul mate, but simply being alive.  The more you are connected with yourself, the more you are able to see without an actual eye. 🙂