Ep. 31. What happens to those who die from unpredictable cause?

Let me quickly explain what happens to those who die from normal cause before I get into my topic today.

If people expected their death before they die, they will evolve faster from ghost to soul. It usually can happen right away or up to 72 hours. If someone is not ready for their death, they will most likely still live and behave their normal self until they come to recognization that they are dead. That’s when they start to go through their normal procedure of evolution. But whether one expect their dead or not, they will all be guided by their spirit guide, higher spirit or sometimes the familiar spirit that they have encounter before their life time to give them a sense of comfort, which will sooth them and increase the evolution procedure. If you have done nothing majorly wrong when you are alive, the chance is your evolution should be no more than 72 hours (which includes the time you pass the dimension of hell), it often depends on how fast you come to accept your death and how fast your learn to let go of your identity.

Same thing go to those who die from unexpected cause, such as car accident, or even nature disaster. They may be in shock for the first day, but they usually come to accept their death on the second day. By then, they will be able to see their spirit guide and eventually lead to evolve into soul. In regards of pain, because those unexpected cause could be such a shock sometimes that soul usually would have chosen to jump out of their body, where they do not sense more than couple seconds of physical pain, but more emotional pains of the incident and leaving the loved ones that they do not have chance to say goodbye. Regardless, they will most likely evolve with 3 days as well (if they do not have anything that they cannot let go of, or hanging on to anyone’s emotions of their leaving.)

What happened to paris on the weekend (and around the world) was truly an unfortunate event. I truly wish those kind of human made activities could come to an end one day. When event like that happens, what people don’t know is, the emotions that people were going through during the event then created an compact atmosphere in the air. If it happens in the open space, that energy may slowly evaporate through time. But if the event happend within an enclose space, such as building, that emotions may be trapped in space and absord by the materials in the building (because it’s most likely made of mediums that we talked about in earlier episode). That absord energy then become what people sensed later on when they revisit the space. And based on what they know or do not know about what happened in the space, they then feed their thought into that energy, which later create a ghost like spirit that I mentioned before, they act and response as a ghost, but do not have a consciousness on their own, and is not a soul.

I spent years trying to figure out how I can shorten the time for spirits to evolves. Because what they’ve gone through is already hard enough, I just don’t want them to suffer after their death as well. You see, we tend to mourn when loved one deceased. We missed them so much and we have hard time letting them go. I have loved ones and animals decesed through time. As much as I miss them and wish they were still alive by my side, I often find they suffered more around me in ghost form. It did take me a while to figure out what it is that keep them lingering on in the dimension of ghost and suffered. it’s not that they do not accept their death or let go, it’s how they feel responsible for causing so much pain to those who still alive. They feel need to comfort us, to make sure that we are okay, so they can then finally move on into the white light.

If I can put it into perception for you; mourning is a greyish, heavier energy that is about 17-18 degrees (celsius). That kind of energy usually make people feel lonely and sad, and it really does nothing in helping to make spirit move on. Blessing, in the other hand, is white and lighter energy that is approximately 25-26 degrees. We all know what we feel when we are in a bright room with comfortable temperature, right? That’s exactly what blessings does to those spirits. It calm them in a levels so deep that they could actually use that energy to overcome some fear and trauma which could later on develop into forbia, allergy or even autism in their next life (which I will detailed it in the future). In the other words, we need blessings to help spirit move on. To let them know everything is okay, and it’s okay for them to go. With blessings, those spirits unlikely to experience pain and are able to carry on with a peaceful mind.

As you can see, in a mass disaster like this, we need a lots of blessings to help all the damaged spirits to move on. Whatever we can get and no matter how big or small, and especially in the first three days. I was surprised to notice how blessings turned into blaming game within 12 hours after such an event happened. There were a lots of comments posting under praying for paris, indicating that they should not ‘just’ pray for paris, but also Lebanon, China, Korea, Syria… Seriously?! I asked myself. I sometimes wish everyone could see what I see, then maybe there will be less fighting and criticism in the world. As I mentioned that blessing is a white energy which is approximately 25-26 degrees, by throwing in blaming, you could turn it into heavier grey energy that is about 20 degree. You put guilt into someone’s blessing, you may possibly terminate it all together as well. We don’t know why people choose to pray for paris more, maybe it’s the dream country that they’d always wanted to go when they were kids, or maybe it’s simply that they have family and friends who live there. As for me, I am just ignorant that I simply don’t know. I prayed for those spirit because I could feel exactly what it is like for them and wish them to seperate from their pain and never experience that again. I prayed for Paris because I saw my Parisan friends prayed and wondered why. I did not pray for Lebanon because my Lebanoni friend did not choose to mourn his sorrow publicly. Since I do not watch news all the time, I don’t pray for any specific country simply because I don’t know. But if anyone bring it to my awareness, I am more than happy to pray for anyone because I know just exactly how my humble blessing could help a soul. Though a living soul may not be aware of the effect of blessing, I know exactly how a spirit could benefit from it. So what I am trying to say is, instead of putting blame into someone’s blessing, how about simply raise their awareness. Instead of pointing finger and saying “why don’t you…” and “you shouldn’t…”, how about suggesting “let’s pray for … as well”? Because sometimes, it’s not that they do not pray for that country, it may most likely because that they simply don’t know. Blessing is what help spirits evolves, so don’t change that energy. Because we may not need the blessing, but they do.

So if you’re still wondering if spirit guide and higher spirit would be there to help those souls? The answer is yes, they will always be there to make sure that everyone is okay no matter what religion, nationalities or skin colors you are. If you’d wanted to know there’s a way we human can do to help those spirits? Send them blessings, so they understand that it’s okay for them to go, and leave without carrying their trauma into the next life. You can bring awareness to those who pray for paris about the country that you care about, but don’t put blame into blessings. After all, those spirits are the ones that can really use those blessings, not us.