Soul . Body . Mind
Ep. 35. Language limits the growth of wisdom
After one day trying to record myself and stick with Youtube Channel only, I decided to crawl my way back to Periscope. I realized there’s [...]
Ep. 34. The truth in every religion
Ep. 34. The truth in every religion Have you every studies something for awhile and believed that you’d known better than anyone else, and feel [...]
Ep. 33. Why do we experience emotions?
Ep. 33. Why do we experience emotions? This week has been quite a heavy week for me. Not only what happened around the world during [...]
Ep. 31. What happens to those who die from unpredictable cause?
Ep. 31. What happens to those who die from unpredictable cause? Let me quickly explain what happens to those who die from normal cause before [...]
little thought
I am grateful that I have friends of all colors, religions, beliefs, cultures, and nationalities etc... They had taught me that miniroty of hater, racist, [...]
Ep. 30. Lost Soul
I used to trip all the time when it comes to Friday the 13th. I did not know what was tripping me even on the [...]
Ep. 29. Property Guardian
Many Asian people will claimed themselves to be a Buddhist. But the truth is, Buddhist only believe in Buddha. Majority of Taiwanese don’t just pray [...]
weight controversy
A male athlete friend told me that his current weight is 125 lb. Since he recently suffered from insufficient body heat during a race in [...]
Social acceptance
Sometimes, I think people overuse ‘accepting who I am’ to ask for social acceptance. If you wanted to become a part of someone’s circle of life, then [...]
Ep. 28. Karmic Creditors
Ep. 28. Karmic Creditors ‘Karmic Creditors’ is probably a very new concept for Westerner (I believe many of you have probably never heard of this term before), [...]
Ep. 27. The effect of cursing
I had a client yesterday, she just found out that her many years husband cheated on her. The concelling session was long, but it also [...]
Ep. 26. What is ‘Chakra’?
I really don’t consider myself a spiritual person. I am not zen-like, I don’t meditate, and I am not even a vegetarian (in fact, I [...]